Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was thinking about this based on a discussion in another group regarding the temperament of different kinds of doodles.  I've noticed that when describing doodles we often hear about mellow vs. hyper.  But that merely describes energy level ... that's not a full temperament or personality description. 

Most breeds have very specific criteria for temperament and drives based on the fact most breeds were bred to do a certain work: terriers hunted small critters, retrievers retrieved birds, etc.  So in breed descriptions there is an explanation of the breed's temperament, some in more detail than others.

For Example, from the AKC site, this is the description of the Vizsla:

A natural hunter endowed with a good nose and above-average ability to take training. Lively, gentle-mannered, demonstrably affectionate and
sensitive though fearless with a well developed protective instinct.
Shyness, timidity or nervousness should be penalized.

The foregoing describes the ideal Vizsla. Any deviation from this
ideal must be penalized to the extent of the deviation. Deviations that
impact performance and function should be considered more serious than
those that affect only appearance.

And from Wikipedia:

Vizslas are very high energy, gentle-mannered, loyal,[6] caring, and highly affectionate. They quickly form close bonds with their owners, including children. Often they are referred to as "velcro" dogs because of their loyalty and affection. They are quiet dogs, only barking if necessary or provoked. Sometimes when these dogs feel neglected or want something, they will cry.

They are natural hunters with an excellent ability to take training.[2] Not only are they great pointers, but they are excellent retrievers as well. They will retrieve on land and in the water, making the most of their natural instincts. However, they must be trained gently and
without harsh commands or strong physical correction, as they have sensitive temperaments and can be easily damaged if trained too harshly.[7] Vizslas are excellent swimmers. Like all gun dogs, Vizslas require a good deal of exercise to remain healthy and happy.

The Vizsla thrives on attention, exercise, and interaction. It is highly intelligent, and enjoys being challenged and stimulated, both mentally and physically.[8] Vizslas are very gentle dogs that are great around children. The Vizsla wants to be close to its owner as much of the time as possible. Many Vizslas will sleep in bed with their owners if allowed, burrowing under the covers.

SO...if YOUR doodle's temperament was THE doodle would you put that into a breed temperament description?

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You would have to tie a pork chop around a ball to get Lucy or Sophie to retrieve it .... and even at that they wouldn't bring the ball back, they would just eat the pork chop.
LOL Perfect Sherri, That is Starlit for sure. She says, " You mean I have to retrieve that thing? That's stupid. Show me the cookie and I might do it once--but not because you want me to go get that stupid thing"
I think that's just a female thing. lol
Nope, not just females. Clifford could not be bothered with a ball - "if you wanted it why did you throw it way over there?" is the look I get when I even think about tossing a ball for him. Now playing fox and hound - that is an entirely different story!
Ned says, "How dumb do you think I am? Chase a stupid ball and then bring it back to YOU. If you want to play chase, run after it yourself or better yet, play golf. I hear that they chase balls in golf."
Just last night my DH was saying in a very deep and contemplative kind of way "You know, I think that Gavin is at his absolute peak of happiness when you have a ball in your hand and are about to throw it."
Very funny!!!! LOL!
Isn't it funny how different they all are? Peri will retrieve for so long - one day I used the chuckit for over an hour with her. She kept sprinting to get it, would jump in bushes to find it, then out she came - back to me to drop it at my feet and wait for more...
Here's how my breeder describes Doodles on her website. She's referencing ALDs, but the description seems to fit Doodles in general...
A non-aggressive, sensitive dog with an intuitive intelligence that makes them easy to train even as little puppies. Perhaps the most surprising thing is just how people-oriented and loyal they are. If you are considering adopting an Australian Labradoodle, you must be prepared to have a constant companion that follows you from room to room, is always searching for eye contact, and wants to lay on your feet or rest his head on your lap. Although his looks are endearing, it is his temperament and personality that will captivate you.
This is Peri, more and more these days. I cannot believe how loving she continues to get. She actually cuddles with us on the couch now - this has just started happening over the past month or so. We love it.
Spudoodles are very high energy, loving, and entertaining who seek affection when they deem it is the ‘right time’ to cuddle. Play first, cuddle later. When they feel it is time to cuddle, they do not disappoint their owners, giving back all the love they receive.

Very playful, play is their job which they take severe. Dedicated, Spudoodles will not give up when it comes time to play, often playing 12 hours per day. Spudoodles will go so far as to jam a toy into a humans buttocks proclaiming play/work are not finished, don’t stop now. Owners must be dedicated to entertainment that includes intensive exercise, swimming, retrieving, dancing, toy toss, and mind stimulation. They are especially fond of noisy fetch toys, squeaking for hours, owners often hide these toys in the freezer. Even with intensive play, Spudoodles are not destructive and take gentle care of their toys, often having the same toys for years knowing by each toy by name.

Often called a thinking dog, they are alert to all surroundings, appear to have intense concentration, enjoy stimulation from outdoor environments, music, and sounds. They have deep eye contact and expressive facial gestures. Spudoodles listen intently to their humans, who declare, they can have a complete conversation in which the dog seems to analyze, with thought, and respond to what their owner is saying. Possessing the Peter Pan Syndrome, Spudoodles do not outgrow their puppy energy and curiosity and will remain active throughout their lives.
Your description made me LOL and definitely describes my Lucie. Play time, fetching, more play time with friends, this is really her main focus and goal in life. If there are no puppy friends, a human will do however must play very actively and enthusiastically for it to be "fun". Lucie has even somehow managed to make fetch a very interactive game where I end up running quite a bit! I don't know how she has managed to talk me into it but I guess its worth it. I haven't tried hiding the squeakers in the freezer but that is a great idea! she finds them no matter where they are.
Peter pan syndrome is a great way to describe the never ending puppy energy, She is a constant ball of energy, when she is gone a home feels empty! None the less I will be very sad if she ever is not energetic, how else would I stay on top of all of my exercise?



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