Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

With any luck at all this is our final update on Murph's battle with RMSF (or some other equally disgusting tick borne illness).  We went to the Vet today for what seems to be his "final" follow-up.  His temp is back to normal, he's got a normal level of energy (or abnormal by some standards), and he's started eating again (although not as enthusiastically as he did with his "special meals").  The only remaining issue is that he still has the Uveitis on one eye, so he is still in a lot of discomfort with that.  We have to continue on the eye meds for another five days to try to clear that....otherwise, he's got a "clean bill of health".  My Vet said that she was VERY relieved about this exam today...she admitted she was quite "concerned" which I totally sensed all weekend.  There is no definitive answer about why the Frontline didn't protect him from this.  He had to have been bitten by the tick on the week prior to his monthly application, and apparently when it gets close to the end of the 30 day period, the Frontline is a little less effective.  Also, there is no guarantee it can protect them from all ticks.  Other than never letting him out of the house again, I have no way to be sure that this couldn't happen again...although she said it was EXTREMELY rare.  There is no reason to believe that he will not be "as good as new" in another week.  She wants me to keep him "low key" until the eye pressure is back to normal.  So, the "crisis" is over, thank heavens.  I was so proud of Murphy today at the Vet....he didn't get into his "crazy man state" when he saw the other dogs, he did not resort to his usual "drama king mode" when he had his temp taken and his eyes examined, and he JUMPED INTO THE SUV all on his own when we were leaving the Vet (I've been trying to get him to do this for months).  So, I think all the "bad stuff" is over for our Murphy.  He's going to keep getting better and stronger every day now.  Don't you just love "happy endings"?  Thanks to you all...and now we can go back to my "happy discussions".   Get ready Mr. Murphy..."tough love" is just around the corner.

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I'm very happy to hear this!
YAY! So happy for Murph and you ALL.
Great news! Isn't it amazing how much havoc one little tick can glad Murph showed that tick who was boss afterall!
YAY!!!!! Best possible news! :)
Oh boy Murphy you've really been a tough cookie! Glad that you're almost in the clear. And thanks for reminding me today is Duncan's "Frontline" day. Ticks are just gross and unneccessary in the circle of life.
Yay Murph! Sorry about the tough love, dood.

Your friend, Murphy

PS Mom wanted to know if they are doing any post titers (whatever that is).
I LOVE happy endings, ol, please don't be too hard on him, he is still recovering, at least he is going to play that role, we all told him to do that, lol...Just so ahppy for the wonderful news...Hugs to all of u!!
Whew Murph! What a difference a week makes!!!! So glad you're feeling better!
I haven't been on this site for a few days. I am so relieved to hear that Murphy is doing well. What a blessing.
Go easy on the tough love with Mr. Murphy. I just read all about that horrible eye thing he has and it is really nasty. Very painful and serious stuff. He should at least get a month off don't cha think???



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