Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Truly, I'm already worried but have no symptoms to present to the vet. Yesterday and today Callie has just not been herself. We had Doodlefest yesterday and Callie hardly played at all. She stuck to my side like glue and that is NOT her normal dog park behavior (especially when there are other doodles!). On the way home she did not stick her head out of the window. She did not play with Samantha the great dane when we saw her on a walk. She ate her dinner, is drinking normally, is urinating and pooping on her normal schedule,  butisn't playing with any of her toys. This morning she wanted to stay in bed and snuggle (fine by me - we woke up to a storm), and when we went on our walk she just seemed kind of "blah". 


Writing all this out makes it all seem kinda petty and small, but I know that dog and she's not acting like herself.


So I ask - do I need to worry? Do I need to give her another couple of days and see how she is? Could she be having delayed depression from Harvey Foster Doodle leaving? Am I just shopping for a problem?



Callie had a highly energetic play date with her BF, Louie, last night. I still feel like she's not herself, but she's pretty much acting like herself now!!!


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Yep, take her to the vet, or call the vet. I'm not the type of person who runs to the vet. For one, I usually think it will pass with patience and two, it is too expensive.

But when a Mother/Dog Owner says, something is not right--It's not right. Those were the key words. Reread what you wrote. It is all there in between the lines.

It could be as simple as changes in your home--foster leaving or it could be something physical. She is telling you--it is not right herself

Feel better soon Miss Callie
I agree it a mother extinct.....So trust it may be nothing but it will sure ease your mind.....thanks for the good time yesterday it was nice meeting you all....Hope Callie will feel better real soon keep us posted...

Love Bella, Bentley and Shawn
I had one of those days yesterday with Lucy. I called her for a treat and she didn't come. Normally you only have to get near the treat jar and she comes from afar. She would lay in her room vs. in the family room with us. She just slept a lot. She would go outside and play with Sophie, she was eating, drinking, etc., she just wasn't herself! When I told her it was time for bedtime potty, I literally had to stand her up, as she wouldn't get up. Today, she is fine! I'm going to chalk it up to an off day. If she had been acting the same today, I probably would have at least called the vet though.
I agree with everyone, trust your instincts.
I guess I'm the minority here but if the "ins and outs" are OK I'd watch for a day or two.
I agree, but I would just check to be sure there's no fever.
Whopper had an off day yesterday where she was in a definite funk. In the morning she didn't want to play with Simba and was content to just lie around. She even gave a little growl at Simba to let him know. I took them out to a pet store and while we were waiting outside while my husband was getting a haircut elsewhere, she was very impatient, barking at times, and just acting differently. When we got home, she climbed into bed with me for a nap. Around 5 I decided that Simba needed to run at the dog park and decided to take Whopper along because she seemed to want to be near me. When we arrived, Whopper started grumbling and whining as we approached. Once inside, she occasionally played with Simba but for the most part just stayed by me. Certain dogs she wanted nothing to do with and would hide behind me or a bench if anyone got too close. I just let her be and made sure I had my eye on her. When we got home, she again was just lying close to me for affection. Whopper was eating and drinking normally and had bursts of energy to play with Simba so we had just been watching her. After dinner Whopper and Simba finally had a crazy play session! Simba has been with us for 3 weeks and Whopper has been way more active since he's arrived and so we're thinking maybe it has just caught up with her. It could also be she was just in need of a little more personal attention. Whatever the reason, we decided to wait on the vet visit because she is entitled to an off-day. Callie may just be dealing with Harvey leaving or maybe she's just going through a needy phase where human attention is what she wants. If she's eating, drinking and pooping, I would probably just give her lots of love and give it another day.
That's exactly what I would do. If she is eating, etc....give it 1-2 more days. Still no energy, really by the end of tomrorow, I would take her in. They can take her temp, etc.....
Peri gets that way every once in a while and I think they just have bad days like us humans.
Callie may be lonely without Harvey.
Thanks guys - one of the best things about DK is that I can be a little crazy about Callie's and y'all GET IT (and don't make me feel like a crazy person).

I put a call into my vet. I love her. She never makes me feel like she's just trying to get my money (my previous vet would make you come in for everything, so you would have to pay for an office visit). The vet said to watch her tonight, and if she's not exhibiting any outward symptoms (she's "regular", not sneezing or coughing to excess, eating, etc) to let her play with a favorite friend and see if she plays normally with them. If she doesn't behave normally, then bring her in the morning and let her observe her all day while I'm at work (and check her temp, etc).

I don't really feel better about any of this, because I want Callie to be her normal frisky self, but REALLY appreciate the feedback!!!!
Hoping Callie is back to herself soon!
I think that sounds like a good plan. I know what you mean - when Peri is not frisky, I wonder if she is sick. Because she is always up for playtime.....
I also agree with Lucy & Sophie's mom...our dog's do have off days once in awhile. But, I also agree if it persist call the vet.



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