Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Everytime I add a comment or respond to a comment on My Page the box freezes and won't scroll down. I have to type blind. Anyone else experience this??

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I don't think that I have ever NOT had it happen since I joined DK. It starts at about the 2nd or 3rd paragraph (depending on the length). So if I keep the comment short-just a couple of sentences-it doesn't happen. But once I get past that certain point it starts and it continues from that point on. And, as you say, it only happens on the My Page comment boxes not on any of the other comment boxes throughout the site.
Gosh Ricki! I am so glad it's not just me! I hope they can fix it so Tara and Bandit can keep their love alive:)
Me too! I wouldn't want to try living with Tara if she couldn't write to Bandy!!
Oh, young love must continue!!! Gracie Doodle doesn't want to see this computer problem to come between them! I hope it gets resolved quickly. Otherwise, you might have to resort to "snail mail"...ha ha
If it doesn't get fixed quickly, Gracie might have to start an advice column for lovelorn doodles!! Dear Gracie..
DEAR GRACIEDOODLE,you are so smart and beeutiful, just like my sissy, can u plz fixx the puter so I can send my TaraBear doodlekisses? tanx, BandyBear:)
Oh my little Bandy Boo...we all are trying to figure out the problem. If you want, I can forward e-mails back and forth for you. The good thing is that little Tara understands there is a problem so she won't be mad at you. But I know how hard it is, especially when you get ready to go to sleep at night. You love to say nite nite to each other and then have your sweet dreams. We are working really hard for you. My mom has tried to find ideas for what is wrong. Don't worry your curly little head. I will say good nite to you and tell you what my mommy always told my "sister" when she was a little girl...I only know because I have heard the story...she is 32 years old! She would say "nite, nite, don't let the bed bugs bite" and then she would put her hand under her covers and tickle her and then give her a big kiss and told her she loved her. And my sister would then say "oops, one got me and it did". So nite, nite little Bandy, don't let the bed bugs bite...I love you and now you can dream of Tara Baby.

oh graciedoodle I really preciate it. I tink I can still write to her, its just hard cuz I cant see what I'm sayin, and I wouldn't want to say anything to upset her:( and I like to give her little pwesents but that is hard to, but anything for my TaraBear. My momma tickles my tummy too but she says "don't let the doodlebugs bite!" then she blows berries on my tummy which makes me laugh and laugh and sometimes gives me zoomies!! tanx again fur ur help. luv, bandy
Suzanne, you don't usually have that problem do you? I see your comments all the time all over the place. Sometimes my computer has been on too long or just gets fussy and freezes up on me. When that happens I reboot it or turn it off and come back later. I usually have horrible withdrawals when that happens because I am addicted to this site!!! What ever would I do with my evenings if my computer froze!!! Oh my...I don't even want to think about it. Now that I just went and read ALL the comments, maybe you need to "defrag" your computer or give it a "clean up". I always resort to that when all else fails.

I some how have a feeling that Bandit and Tara are up to something and it is causing strange vibes on the computer. When you are not around, Bandit gets on the computer and contacts Tara. You should just see what these two little adorable Doodles say to each other!!!

It only happens on MY PAGE comments!! Maybe it is Bandit and Tara since it is happening to me and Ricki. And it happens on both my computers which are rebooted quite often... I will have one of the techies at work look at it today to see if he has any ideas!!
Yes, I've experienced this once or twice but closing the browser and re-opening it usually works to fix the problem.
I have never typed "blind," but I certainly have typed "dumb." Sorry, couldn't resist :)



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