Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our doodle note cards have been going fast!  If you're thinking of purchasing, especially multiple packages, place your order now (
We have met our production costs, so the money from every order now will go directly to the veterinarians of the sick doodles on the Messenger! Read their stories and donate with your purchase!
We are so proud of the doodle community for their response to our cards and willingness to help other doodle owners in need.

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WooHoo! I predict a sellout by tomorrow. I can't wait to get mine.
I am really excited over the cards.....they look beautiful! Can't wait to get some They have a million uses!
As a mom who has experienced the costs of having a doodle with cancer and at the same time another pup (non-doodle) with a disease with no cure...those accumulated costs for continued treatments throughout the illnesses can be overwhelming. Trust me, this is a great cause. .....I absolutely will be purchasing the cards to help others who are facing the unknown. Anyone willing to fight with everything to see their beloved doodles get the help they need- that is a great cause for me to try to help! Thanks for putting the doodle note cards and donation program together. Having them available at a great new product site too is nice. It is easy, and a Win-Win......
Thanks all for your comments. The Messenger does belong to all of us...and here, especially, for the owners of our sick doodles who have pages and chat on DK, support is ever important. We hope to have lots of submissions of photo's for packages of cards in the future from DK'ers. We surely need doodle owners to help doodle owenrs. It makes me very sad, Debbie, that you have had this journey with your doodle too. November is canine cancer awareness month. Maybe this will be the day, or the month, or the year a cure is found. Thanks from all of the gang on the Founders Board for your reminder.
I just heard that there's only 20 sets left. I wonder if they will sell out tonight. That would be fantastic. This is a great way to help sick doodles. Thank the Universe mine are all healthy. I don't know what I would do if they got sick. Thank you, Doodle Messenger for the work you are doing...for all us doodle families.



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