Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So we got our first bag in the mail yesterday. Tore it open and gave Milo a piece and he politely took it in his mouth, moved away from us, and spat it out. Kept picking it up and giving it to him, and he politely kept refusing it. The last time I gave it to him but held on, so he wound up playing tug with it and he finally got the idea. Chewed on it for a while yesterday. Gave him a piece today, one minute max, chewed, enjoyed and swallowed.

Darn. That shoulda held him longer :) Am on the hunt for antlers tomorrow. Santa might have one under the tree...


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Good luck with the antlers, I know a lot of our doodles love them so hopefully Sam will too!

Antlers last and last and last. ...they are AWESOME! Callie is a HUGE antler fan.

And a whole lot cheaper...

We got some of the yams awhile back.  The first one I gave Buddy took him a while to eat.  He was not sure of it and kept taking it in his mouth and spitting it out until he figured how to eat it.  He does this with each new thing we try.  It is quite funny.  Definitely try the antlers...I hear Buddy chewing on his as I type this.  :)

Buddy got to the point where he would hear the ziplock on the bag and run to his crate (where he likes to eat them) and wait!  So funny!



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