Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Does your puppy ever get people food?  Cheese is the main thing that I see people give their dogs.  Rooney has had a couple of times - ice cubed sized frozen treats that I made from yogurt but I am talking about - well real food. He has never had any - not one nibble.  Am I being mean.  What do you let your puppies have? 

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We had a Cavalier who was sweet and loving until my husband started giving him snacks he was eating. He went from a loving dog eager to please his people to a food-obsessed dog. Not happy about this. With Kona and Owen my husband has learned not to share people food and they do not beg at all.

You are doing the right thing.

I don't really give Tori too much!  NEVER any meat or anything like that.. not even cheese... she had pancreatitis over a year ago from getting into the garbage and eating pork strips....and now I'm actually afraid to give her anything - I think she has a sensitive tummy - or I just made it up because I'm so cautious - LOL.... What I do give her is bread/bagels... not whole ones, but small pieces.  I don't even give her doggie treats.  My mother in law wants me to buy treats in the store, but she's perfectly happy with small pieces of bread/bagel, or I give her small frozen pieces of her canned food mixed with pumpkin.. she loves that!

In the summer I give her small pieces of cantaloupe, peeled apples, sweet potatoes, she used to get carrots, but she scoffs them down and up they come.... (Oh yeah.. my DH sneaks pieces of pretzels to her when he packs them for his lunch... she has learned to lay in the "spot" and wait for it.)

rufus gets dry food and wet food mixed and sometimes i throw in a little people food once a week
We have always given our dogs table scraps.My shepard was 16years old when she died.And for 16years got table scraps. She was heathy and beutiful until the day she died.Never had any problems.Never went to vet but maybe two times for being sick.
I agree with you Shelly ~ we never coddled our dogs growing up, they roamed the neighborhood (alone), got table food, and never went to the vet except for the initial shots and they too survived to a ripe old age.
We do not give Daisy people food, now that being said she has had schnitzels of people food here and there from my boss....I have told, well asked her not to but I still see her sneak things like a little pizza crust. I don't say much anymore, she is not there often and Daisy does not expect from anyone else. The only thing I will say is this, when Lynn (my boss) eats lunch Daisy goes right into her office to see what she's got. She does respect my wishes pretty much now but she can't resist the eyes.

Cocoa does not like dog food much so I mix some people food in with her Orijen.  When I cook meat or fish I always save some for her to mix in with her kibble.  Sometimes I stir in a chopped hard boiled egg.  If I feed her plain kibble she only eats once a day- and only about half of what she should eat.  She finds canned dog food as smelly and unappetizing as I do.  If I don't have any scraps I feed her Ziwi Peak Venison- the only packaged dog food she will eat out of the bag.


When I cook Cocoa lies down in the kitchen and supervises my cooking very carefully.  She definitely knows the smell of meat and fish and knows she will soon get her portion.  We only feed her out of her dinner bowl, so she doesn't beg at the table (but she definitely inspects the floor for any food that falls while we eat).

We give Darwin people food but not in the context of it actually being our food. Meaning, we never feed him while we are eating. We only use it as training treats. small cubes of mozzarella are his favorite, but we've used cubed chicken breast, roast, turkey, etc. And a scrambled egg on special occassions. With no seasoning, so it doesn't upset his stomach. Oh, and when we are practicing the really hard stuff, we've been known to cut up an all beef hot dog really small and use that. :-) He loves it.
Oh Camilla you caught me (I forgot), we also do the HIGH VALUE TREATS for training - cheese and cut up beef hot dogs....she will do anything for those.
I have given all my dogs veggies, small pieces of chicken breast, occassionally a little bite of apple or banana. If it is something we have just been eating, I give it to them in their bowls. They each get a tablespoon of pure pumpkin mixed in with their dry food. I don't have a problem with them begging. :-) They know "leave it," "not yours" and I use "park it" if I want to eat something while watching TV (they lie down/stay on their beds). While they are allowed in the dining room, they know they have to lie down, stay and not beg. Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream is defininitely their main source of nutrition.



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