Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Shelby is so so fun to be in the car with.  She comes most all places with me that she is safe.  I totally enjoy her fluffy face blowing in the wind in the sideview mirror.  Girl reminds me of Valcor in the Neverending Story!  How many of you Absoultely Must take your Doodle with you?


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I love taking Hudson everywhere we go, especially on holidays to visit family!

We call Hudson 'Falcor' too!! LOL! He is starting to answer to it actually :)

Kirby's favorite place to be is in the car.  I'll take him with me if I run quick errands and he is so happy.

My doodle carlos comes everywhere with me in the car! I have an suv so he has his own spot in the back. He even stays there when I'm at work sometimes. He loves hanging over the seat so that he doesn't miss what's going on in the front and out the windows and when somone sits in the back seat he has to put his paw on their shoulder! it is too cute!
Tara loves riding in the car!! She even gets more excited about going in the car than she does WALKING!! Go figure..
Banjo has loved riding in the car since the very first day we got him!   Whenever we're heading out somewhere he knows the routine....I'll say "Do you want to go bye-bye in the car?" and he runs to the door to be taken out to do his "business" and hops right in.   Short ride....long ride....he's happy!
I drove 600 miles home with Fudge when we got her and almost 400 with Vern. Both of them did beautifully and have always loved being in the car. They go almost everywhere with me, when possible. I call my car the Dog mobile and sometimes it sure looks messy, especially after Vern gets a hold of a box of Kleenex :)

When I find that Tara is afraid of something I just slowly desensitize her to it. For instance with the car you could start by just getting her comfortable in the car without the motor running. Lots of playing and treats and loves in the car. Then try sitting in the car with her with it running but not moving. Same routine- playing, fun, treats. loves..  When she is good with that just drive to the end of the driveway and so forth. Start with short sessions and build up the time spent with each step. That is probably what I would try first. It is slow work but it can have good results.

Brinkley hated the car at first-- I think it was because he was getting a bit sick.  When he was a puppy he couldn't see out of the window so I think that added to the car sickness.  We gave him some dramamine and that helped.  Now he's gone from hating the car to going straight to the car and whining to get in.  I def. saw a switch with the sickness as he grew and could finally see out the window. Now he doesn't need meds for even long rides.
Even when we are not going on a ride Achilles tries to pull his way to the car door. He loves an adventure!
Daisy really likes to go bye bye TO somewhere but she doesn't necessarily like the ride, more tolerates it to get where she wants to go which is anywhere we end up.

Ohhhh - the dreaded car issue.... LOL

Tori is a bit of an enigma.. she LOVES to go in the car.  If you say the word car, she gets all hyper and runs for her "car leash" and sit by the door barking to go... BUT....duh,duh,dummmm..... while we're in the car driving she starts panting, pacing, and shaking and then comes the ..... POOPING! Sometimes and I mean only sometimes... she waits until she gets out of the car, but then it's usually very mushy and down goes her tail, getting it all over her tail!  She used to vomit, but this pooping thing has been going on for well over a year now... So... I know what I should do... take her up and down the drive way, around the block, up to the local school yard to play, but she has gotten ME so stressed about her pooping that I avoid it at all costs... except for vet trips and grooming (By the way - she never poops in the car  - go figure)on the way home

That's true!  Maybe I need to keep telling her where we're going... I THINK she doesn't mind going to the groomer.... she says she's great and so well behaved when she's there... unless she's just scared...



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