Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Let me start by saying I HATE cutting Hunter's nails.  I am always afraid I am going to cut them to short so normally I leave them longer.  This morning I was cutting one of her back nails and just when I went to cut she moved - normally she sits totally still - and I cut it to short and it started to bleed.  I have never cut them to short before to see them bleed!  This was early this morning, I put this Quick Blood Stopped on it and it seemed ok.  Now she just came in from outside and its bleeding again :-(  Is this normal?  It seems like a lot of bleeding!  I feel sooooooooo bad.  It doesn't seem to be bothering her at all - just me!  Any advise? 


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That is PERFECT!!!!  Come on Jane!!!!!!
Okay, guys I did it.  In fairness to poor Adina (who is probably shaking her head right now), we just need to wait and see if she's comfortable.  I think it could be lots of fun though.  I'm thinking of the possibilities right now.  In the description I combined a "wine" and a "whine" connotation.  We'll see.....
This is totally perfect.  Karen, where do you even come up with this stuff....LOL!
ok, i'm in for the wine drinking doodle moms! LOL  I'm sure it will be ok Denise.  Monty jumped once while cutting his nails, he hates that procedure.  I only tip his nails these days after a incident.  I'll let the groomer do them again next week. hang in there.
and yes, red is very good!  chocolate chaser, i like it!  i call it my cholesterol fighter!  And as an old Marine Colonel used to say......."it's always 5:00 somewhere!"

I am all in for the wine drinking DK' fact, that is what I am doing right now.  I also am WAY TO CHICKEN to cut Rua's nails. 

I wish I could help with a suggestion, Denise.  I am too chicken to try to cut my dogs nails so I have the vet do it.  I hope Hunter's toe has stopped bleeding.  You are definitely NOT a terrible doodle mom, you're a wonderful doodle mom!!

I'm with you, Ann. I have never cut my dogs' nails myself, although at least with JD, I could see the quicks if I absolutely had to do it. All of the others had jet black nails.

I'm with you on Denise being a wonderful doodle mom, too.

Lucy has those black nails.  It's terrible!
AAww thanks girls that makes me feel better :-)  Hunter's bleeding has stopped for the moment but she is going to be going outside again soon :-(  I hope it doesn't bleed again.  Her nails are light and easy to see the quick but she was sitting up and decided to laydown right when I started to cut and it totally moved her nail :-(
I have the clippers, dh used to do it to our labs but with Rooney - it is the groomer's job.

Following on Karen's post, you may need to apply pressure for up to 5 minutes because nails tend to bleed for a while



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