Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum that title wasn't exactly accurate as tags are necessary but I thought it might attract some attention.  This morning I was watching It's Me or the Dog.  In one of her informational segments, she stated that you should not put your dogs name on their tag.  I of course, have both my dogs with tags with their names on it because I thought this would help in the event they were lost or something happened to them.  Anyway, she stated that you do not want their names on their tags because if a stranger can learn their name by looking at the tag, if they called your dog and your dog came, even neighbors would not suspect anything suspicious.  I'm not sure I totally agree with this only because if someone wants to steal one of my dogs, they're more likely to hear me say their name than they are to get close enough to check their tag.  Should I never say my dogs names in public or have fake names to provide stangers? (j/k obviously).  She did go on to say that the best thing you can do is microchip which I agree with but what do you all think?   Is having the name on the tags really a big risk?  Is this more of a risk for people who leave their dogs outside unattended or take them shopping only to leave them tied up outside of the store?

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Her dog was the sweetest little hound-looking dog, too! It's not like she was trading a mean dog or an ancient one.


I guess she just saw my mini labradoodle puppy and saw dollar signs, unfortunately! Luckily, Sunny was already microchipped at that point.

I think the person could call Darwin anything they wanted and he would still act like they were his best friend. Bagel, Alfred, or even Stupid, it would make no difference to him. He'll follow anyone who talks to him in a high pitched voice and pets him. :-) plus he's microchipped, so it's not a big worry for me.
I had read the same theory about NOT putting your dog's name on their tag.  But I decided it might actually comfort him if he was lost and picked up, if someone called him by his name.  I think you could argue it both ways.

Both mine wear only one tag each which reads "I NEED MY MEDS!" and my mobile number on it.  I don't put dog's name on the tags because Z & K are trained to respond only when called by their names, most times they ignore or walk away if a stranger tries to be friendly by making strange noises (whistle, clicking or tsk-ing sound) or pretends to feed them.  Z is a friendly golden but she is not effusive, and she usually avoids eye-contact with strangers unless we tell her to "Say Hi!", then she obliges.  K is rather standoffish as well (maybe he follows Z's lead), hence they both only greet strangers when told.

I have a tag on Bindi & I think it's a good idea to have one on your dog.
I think we all know not to put our children's names on their clothing for this type of worry, but I think it just isn't the same for dogs. I have my dogs names on their tags because I hope that if they are lost someone would be able to calm them down by using their name. If they are going to be stolen, I don't really think the name matters too much.
I agree Caitlin Huff is chipped too. And Victoria does have a point. But i'd still rather have his name on his tag. 
They do say that you should not have your kid's name really big outside on their belongings( i.e bookbag ),as well as one of those stick figures on the rear veiw windows on your car..... They say that stranger can see and know the kids name, and approach them by saying " Hey, Joey, your mom said -- blah blah blah... so come with me " type of deal. I thought the situation would be different on dogs....until I read Denise & Hunter! 's reply..... I think I am going to get new tags without their name for my dogs!



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