Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was looking through the forums & I saw a few recipes but other than zukes which I can't seem to find no one else mentioned favorite healthy economic dog treats.

My 2 guys are going through tins of treats so I wondered about is making my own really cheaper esp milk bone ones & what about those treats that come in Bins at PetSmart/sense? 


What are your Fav Dog Training Treat & Bigger Treats?


PS I am so thrilled to have found this site, being able to find tried & true product info & wisdom for dogs has been wonderful.

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no peel, just a slice, whatever size you like.  if i give Monty thin slices, he can have more! I did research, sweet potatoes are fine for dogs.
I had thought about that bc mine love carrots. My Lab loves fresh from the garden sweet peppers too, wonder if my doodle will....?
Monty loves carrots, loves oranges, apples, bananas etc.  i say keep trying to give them raw veg, cant go wrong!
I have been looking into getting a food dehydrator, slicing the sweet potatoe and dehydrating the slices. Papuya too. BTW, I have heard of their being a toxic mold on the skin of sweet potatoes. So I guess its good to take the skins off.
toxic mold? gosh, well i dont know about that one.  will def check it out.  I usually give Monty about 3 slices.
dont you think by putting something in a dehydrator or oven it will kill any stuff?
I would think so too... I'm in the camp of being careful Not to sterilize our lives too much but there are things to be careful of for sure.
It is so hard to find healthy treats out there & when you stand in the store your mind goes in circles trying to decide, Yalls recs are Truly Helpful Thank you so much, Keep 'em coming!
I make a big batch of liver treats for under $5.00 and my two would fly through the air for one!  The recipe is in the food groups cookbook, there are several and they are all good. Otherwise, I use charlie bears, I've  used cheerio's, lots of carrots, cranraisens, turkey hotdogs are really cheap on sale. Cheese, apples, leftover cooked veggies unless they get that in a meal, I can go on and on....let's see, left over pancakes, waffles, bacon ofcourse, stale bread. My two eat anything so I don't need to buy a lot of treats. So for economy I use what's on hand.



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