Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was looking through the forums & I saw a few recipes but other than zukes which I can't seem to find no one else mentioned favorite healthy economic dog treats.

My 2 guys are going through tins of treats so I wondered about is making my own really cheaper esp milk bone ones & what about those treats that come in Bins at PetSmart/sense? 


What are your Fav Dog Training Treat & Bigger Treats?


PS I am so thrilled to have found this site, being able to find tried & true product info & wisdom for dogs has been wonderful.


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Monty's favorite treat is chicken jerky.  Chicken breasts, slice thin pieces, place on greased cookie sheet, bake at 180 degrees for 3 hours.  I freeze most, keep some in refrig.  He would jump thru rings of fire for these.  Not to mention compared to the jerky treats at the store, these are 100% pure chicken made in the USA!
neat!! Thank you! I will have to try these!
Sharon, thanks for this tip.  I usually boil the chicken breast and then cut it in really small pieces for training treats, but this sounds so much more "portable".
i used to fuss about how thin the slices were, but trial and error you will see it really doesnt matter.  I can quickly slice up two or three breasts and cook away.  I've been thinking that if I used half frozen breasts the task might even be quicker.
i dont have the recipe in front of me, but i've also used baby food, beef, chicken and carrots.  mix individually with whole wheat flour and dry milk (i always bought the organic stuff). mix it together till you get a pasty mixture, put blobs on cookie sheet, bake. I had some hamburger that I used too, I cooked it first, drained it dry and mixed with flour and dry milk.  Monty loves every one of these as well.

Old Mother Hubbard, I have a great local pet store that sells them cheap, they have a size similar to milkbones that we put in the kongs, they actually sell OMH in the bins their too

Buddy Biscuits


Charlie Bears

EVO & Wellness brand but the are higher in $$


For economic, I would try the Old Mother Hubbard brand.


Old Mother Hubbard is a standard staple.  lol
Charlee Bear treats?  New to me.  did you buy this at Pet Smart or Petco or a speciality store?
I had originally ordered them online but they sell them at my PetSmart.


I ordered Zukes treats from here and they were cheap, fresh and got to the house in about one week. 

According to my trainer, I don't use treats.


HOWEVER!!!! I like Bravo!'s Preium Training Treats. I use Buffalo Bites and Hot Dog Bites. They are freeze dried treats, no additives, no preservatives. Their "Bison is source verified and tested by the USDA to be free of growth hormones."

Really no treats for training?  this is off topic but I took Monty thru CGC and he rocked.  I've been taking him to another level training and I am unhappy.  She advocates treats so much that it seems Monty has gone backward in his lessons.  He is more focused on the treat.  He anticipates what we did last time without listening to me. I say sit holding a treat, he will sit, then lay, then stand doing all the stuff he knows.  This is a higher level of expectation but I think the constant treats are messing him up.  :(



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