Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum



I just joined this site.  I have a seven month old Goldendoodle and I've had her for five and a half months.  Once in awhile my eyes would tingle when I pet her.  Now, I have a horrible allergy to her.  I've been sick for the last couple of weeks and thought it was a cold, now I realize I'm allergic to her.  My eyes water really bad and I'm stuffed up and feel awful.  I've never been allergic to anything including dogs.  I had a cockapoo for 17 years before her and never had a reaction.  I am so bummed about this.  Since she still has her "puppy coat" is it possible when she is an adult I won't have this reaction? 

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The Dr. Oz show had a segment about dog allergies a week or two ago. It might be worth checking on the internet to read his suggestions.

I am allergic to most dogs, but not my lightly shedding F1 GD. My dog allergy can be brutal (wheezing, hives) as I am also allergic to their saliva.  I am also allergic to cats.  My cat allergy is more manageable (sneezing, watery eyes, itchy eyes).  I had a cat for 16 years and I managed fine using anti-histamine.  I also found that over time I developed a bit of (but not total) immunity to him.  I would noticed my symptoms increased if I was away from him for a week.  I think this bit of immunity development is pretty usual, so I would wonder why your symptoms are getting worse not a little better.  Have you used anything else in your house recently (carpet fresh for example) that would be found other places except your kitchen?  I would also get your puppy's coat cut short and washed to ensure that he hasn't brought something else into your environment.  But seriously a REGULAR dose of anti-histamine could really fix you up.  Keep in mind that you have to take most anti-histamines regularly to be effective.  Good luck!

Thanks, I was thinking of getter her hair cut, but was waiting for warmer weather.  It was in the single digits here last week.  I haven't bought anything new.  I'm already on Zyrtec at night, which is an antihistime, so I'll see what the allergist says.  Maybe it is just something in the environment and she's bringing it in.

I was hoping to wait for Tara's summer cut until it got a little warmer but I think I am going to have to cut her soon. I find that wiping her off with a damp cloth when she comes into the house helps with my allergies but the longer her hair is the more of a chore wiping her down gets to be. Plus there is just more surface area for the pollen to stick to. So I'm planning a cut maybe later this week. :(
I felt kinda bad about Porter's summer cut a couple weeks ago, but he is fine.  He plays in the snow just as much as before.
I haven't had Lexie cut yet.  Does your dog's fur become a little curlier after he's groomed?  Maybe this would help with allergies. 
I have horrible allergies, and have been getting shots for 2 years now. They have helped tremendously and I no longer need to take daily meds. However, the BEST thing that I discovered is a Neti Pot! Google it online.. you can buy it at any drug store and it uses a saline solution to clean out your nasal passages. It rids you of all dander, dust pollen that gets stuck in your sinuses and really works miracles. Good luck!

I second 'Neti'..I thought it was really weird concept until I tried it. I was sold! I use 'Sinus rinse' by NeilMed for my pollen allergies. It is easier to use than an actual Neti pot and does the same exact thing. You get it at most pharmacies.

Me three.

I 4th the "Neti' pot idea!! This is the one I use, which is more like a giant syringe!!

I fifth the sinus rinse.  I use the NeilMed linked above.



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