Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My Charlie had his first seizure two days ago.  Our vet did all the blood work ups and thyroid tests and all came back normal.  He has asked me to try to keep a journal of the things Charlie eats, things we do, etc., in case he has another seizure we may be able to piece together something that may be causing them.  One of the things he asked me to write down was his behaviors.  Have any of you noticed a different behavior your dog may show before a seizure?  I'm not sure what I should be looking for and am afraid if he has another seizure that I may be so panicked again that I forget.  Thanks for any input you can give.

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Some of the things to watch are over clinginess, disorientation, barking for no reason or just kind of being out of it.  They can be very subtle.


Many times a seizure is a one time event for a dog, lets hope Charlie has no further seizures.

Bella gets extremely demanding and clingy. She wants our older dog to be at her side (touching) every minute.   She then starts panting with small head tremors.. we know a seizure is coming and we can be prepared - as much as you can.  Hope this helps.

Jasper always gets his seizures in the early morning hours. I have noticed, that the night prior (that's like 8 hours before), he has a warm heavy breath, feels warm inside ears, is not very active , rather clingy, keeps looking at me, as if he feels something is not right. I think thebody temperature might rise prior and during a seizure. That's why many in our group here use the ice pack on the lower back. Next time he feels "prior seizure" I will try this myself and give him Rescue Remedy. Who knows, that might even stop it!

As Andy suggested, I would not worry so much at this stage. Might have been a one of for your Charlie!!!

Paws crossed



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