Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

If anyone has a Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow plant pull it up right away. Jax ate some of the berries and is very sick. He is in the ICU for 2-7 days. This plant is a very potent neurotoxin. Within 4 hours of eating this plant, Jax was very unsteady on his feet, was panting heavily and shaking his head every few seconds. He couldn't walk a straight line. His spine became curved and his back legs wouldn't work properly. Hopefully Jax will recover and have no lasting ill effects - however, the vet couldn't guarantee anything. Just wanted to let everyone know in case they had this plant in their yard.


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It's terrible that one of our pets need to become sick to realize the toxicity of a plant used to decorate our yard.  I know that the seed pods of the sego palm are also very toxic to dogs and we found out that the split-leaf philodendron has poisonous qualities.  The gel from the enflorescense was a big suspect in Hondo's liver failure.  Think about the plants you have in your yard and make sure your pets are protected.
Oh dear. What a horrible nightmare. So sorry you are all going through this. Thank you so much for posting and everyone else too for the updates on this plant. I also did not know there was a "danger group" Thank goodness for Doodlekisses and prayers to you Jax for a full recovery....Fancy him eating berries...Thank goodness you were around for him so you could jump on it immediately. So sorry...
I'm sorry to hear this. I hope Jax will be o.k.
How is Jax doing today?
Update on Jax - I spoke with the vet and he said that Jax was doing better this afternoon.  No seizures, his temperture is down and his neurological symptoms are going away.  He is still on IV therapy and they will reassess him tomorrow.  I think it looks good and hopefully can come home soon. :)
That is so good to hear Holly...continue to update us please.  All our prayers and thoughts here on DK are still with you.
Just read this after I posted. So glad to hear Jax sounds like he is improving.

That is great news Holly!  Jax is going to be so happy to get back home to his momma!! Thanks for the update and please continue to keep us posted. And thanks for sharing the information about the toxic plant!

good news!!! get better Jax!
Thank you for the important information. We will be saying a prayer for Jax and wish him a quick recovery. This must be so scary for all of you.

We are so sorry for Jax and your family for having to go through this terrible situation, thank you for posting this warning Holly and thank you to Karen and Jack for posting the link to pictures and full description of the plant.  We are hoping Jax has a speedy and full recovery!  

Just saw your update. So glad to hear Jax is getting better.



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