Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Harley very 'rarely' drinks out of her water bowl....when she wants a drink, she goes back the hall, and into the bathroom and you can hear her licking at the tub faucet and if you don't go turn the water on, she'll come out and stand and stare at you until you get up and go turn the water on.  (Thankfully she has never tried to drink out of the toilet).  I keep her water bowl filled with fresh cold water, even have put ice in it thinking it would entice her to drink from it - but just has no interest.  Once in a while you'll hear her lapping from the water bowl - but not very often.  When we camp during the summer - she'll drink out of her water bowl in the camper - so why not in the house?  I've tried not giving in and turning on the water but she'll go without water all day and that can't be good for her either....

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Can you try moving her bowl into the bathroom?  Maybe she will get the idea...maybe fill it up with the tub faucet and them leave it for her to drink from and see what happens.

Definitely worth a try....

how about one of the dog fountain type bubblers that makes a little bubbling stream out the top of them? Darn doodles and their water habits. Harley might like the moving water better? it's worth a try.
I did try one of the Drinkwell fountains...she wouldn't drink out of it either...
Too funny. Our Gracie has always done that also, but she will drink out of her bowl. When walking, she drinks out of a water bottle
Darwin will drink out of his bowl but if he sees us pouring water into it he loves to lap it up as it's falling to the bowl. Kind of makes a mess but he loves it so much we do it anyways. :-)

My doodle Ari does the same thing - he almost demands it though and it only started after we moved into our new house a year ago. Prior to that he always drank out of his bowl. Now he goes into the bathroom, jumps INTO the tub, and clicks his nails on the botton of the tub to get our attention. At first it was cute, not it's gotten to the point where it seems like he has US trained, and it's annoying lol. We discussed buying a Drinkwell fountain for him (as he seems to only like fresh/cold water) and we would stop allowing him to drink from the tub fuacet. We have yet to do this though.

Jake loves ice in water bowl.Funny because my six year old,Tommy,one day decided to give jake cubes in his water.And he loved it,gets ice water everyday now.We also have a small garden pond in back yard and Jake thinks that is his big water bowl.



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