Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Chase is our medium sized LD, he is now two years old.  His mum was a chocolate LD (possibly second generation, I can't remember) and his Dad was a cream Australian LD.  Chase was very dark chocolate as a puppy.  In his first summer he went a little gingery on the tips from the sun.  I was combing him out today and realised just how dramatically his coat has changed lately.  Can't be the sun, it is the middle of winter!!  His face is quite a bit darker than the rest of his body, although it doesn't show so good in the picture.  So, I have been researching and wonder if he is turning into a Cafe Au Lait or a Lavender??  What do you guys think??

Our dark chocolate puppy when we first brought him home.


Chase today after a thorough combing!!

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I cross-posted this is the Chocolate Doodles group, but figured I might get more response here in the wider community.  I tried researching, but couldn't really understand the difference between Cafe and Lavender.  Hopefully, someone can enlighten me!!

Cooper too was very dark chocolate when she was a pup. She is getting lighter.... reddish brown with a blonde nose, grey tail, and grey patches. She is still very chocolate though. Her sisters are more like Chase, very grey. I too get confused with lavender and parchment (Chases body). Cafe is more of a milk chocolate/caramel colour i think (Chases face)


Cooper is almost 2 and im thinking she will stay much darker than her sisters, possibly cafe..... maybe she will stay chocolate with lighter "sprinkles"

He's gorgeous, no matter which coat he's wearing.

The lavenders are a more grayish-bluish tan. I think he's cafe au lait. This link shows a lavender doodle, I think the doodle posted by Maureen midway down the page shows well.

Thanks!  Muareens dog is actually owned by the daughter of our breeder!  I was thinking cafe, just because his face is still so brown.
Chase is gorgeous - would love to run my hands through that beautiful coat!
He doesn't stay that way for long!  Once he has been out playing in the snow he gets tight curls on his neck and shoulders!  His rump is very wooly and is a bit out of control - you can't see that in the picture luckily!!
Just realised I have dishes drying in the background - oops!  Ignore the state of the walls, we are renovating an old house that is wallpapered everywhere - it is a very long job getting it off!!
no-one would have noticed if you hadnt pointed it out..... i was too busy looking at the lovely doodle!

Our Fudge was called a Chocolate Tuxedo Doodle when we got her and now is slowing turning into a silvery brown color. Her mom was a Parti poodle. Chase is very handsome :)

Fudge is gorgeous!!  What a lovely coat, does she matt?



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