Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We will be picking up our Double Doodle tomorrow morning!  What is the one thing you wished you had been prepared for when you got yours?

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The crate is ready and waiting!!!
I was definitely unprepared for Tara's grooming needs. The first few months I could manage her okay and tried to desensitize her to being groomed. But, she did NOT take to being brushed or combed at ALL. I would have had better luck going out into the forest and trying to brush a WOLF!! She bit and thrashed and just generally spazed out everytime I tried to brush her at all. You have a great resource here on DK in the Grooming Group. Once I found DK and learned about the higher end grooming tools it made a world of difference in my ability to successfully groom Tara. Depending on your doodles coat type I recommend either the Les Pooches or Chris Christensen brush lines! Good luck with your new family member!!
I will look for those tools.  I hope she likes being brushed, she is days over 8 weeks so maybe she won't protest too much!
Some puppies are not really cuddly - they are just so active that they can't be still for very long. On the other hand you are the safe harbor when things get overwhelming for it.  You need to monitor - like you would with an infant, when it gets too much stimulation. At first, Ned's coat was very easy to handle, but at 6 months, he began to mat severely.  We have him professionally groomed and began taking him to the groomer at 4 months.

MY biggest mistake....not socializing her earlier with the outside world.  I was too neurotic about her getting sick that I sheltered her from stores/people and taking her more places in the car.  I think this may have helped her with her car "issues" and her barking at people who come to my house!

This is such an exciting time!   enjoy your new puppy!  Can't wait to see pictures of DoodleKisses' "new addtiion"

Oh yes, socializing is super important.  We took Ned in our RV from day one (we got him at 3 1/2 months).  We paraded him around campgrounds and he met lots of people and dogs. We walked him on busy streets with lots of traffic, and into pet stores. We went to the beach, by a train station.
Oh, Nancy... where were you (and everyone here) when I needed that advice??? LOL  If only I had found DK BEFORE I brought Tori home.... I would be a much better doodle mommy today.... Oh well... "next" time!  :o)
Well, we didn't socialize for children in our house because there were none and when we had dogs before, we had kids.... Now we have a granddaughter and the dogs are loving her but she is a novelty rather than just 'there' like the rest of us.
I completely agree with this Shelly. I think the risk of them not being socialized during that stage is much higher than the risk of them getting ill. We decided to take Darwin to puppy kindergarten, Petsmart, meet other people, etc. when he was a young puppy. I think it has a lot to do with his easy going personality today.
I know - Camilla....I am a bit (well a chunk) of a germ-freak and in hind sight - I realize that the chance of her 'catching' something is so slim and NOT worth the lack of socialization!
Oh my , just trying this for first time .CV lucy with 6 pups at Yucca Valley,cal. ..hints for new puppy, have second dog or puppy .not trying to sell pups , just saying 32 years ago we learned this and always haveat least 2 so dog or pup has is easier to care for 2 than one. I have 4 and it is no problem .Doodles are so easy to live with.  ,
They are so sweet!  We do have another dog and they seem to like each other already!



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