My poor little kid.... Last night my son (11) was in a hurry to get from the shower into the warmth of his bed and flew across the floor, not watching where he was stomping. One, two, three giant leaps and he came down hard on top of his belt buckle which he had left laying in the middle of his bedroom floor. Yep, as you might have guessed, the pin in the middle of the buckle went straight up into the center of his foot, DEEP! It was after 9:00, so we cleaned it up, stopped the bleeding and put a band aid on it.
All night long I had dreams of tetanus and infection so I called the Pedi, first thing this morning to find out when his last tetanus shot was. Sure enough, he was due for that and several more. It struck me that we JUST finished with shots for both doodles and Penny was finally spayed less than two weeks ago...IT'S NEVER ENDING!!!!! We will constantly be in either a vet's office or the pediatrician’s for the rest of our lives. Not that I'm unsympathetic, I felt terrible for my poor child. Not only did he get punctured in the foot he had to endure 2 blood tests, 3 shots and the humiliation of having to wee wee in a cup, all in a 12 hour time period.
Moral of the story....Obey your mother, put your clothes in the hamper.