Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone, 


Zeke is now 7 months old and has been potty trained for quite some time.

HOWEVER, he has this issue where he poops inside. 


I'll give a few examples:


-Visiting Grandma in nursing home

-Visiting Grandma's house

-Running upstairs at home

-While I was playing my guitar, he did it 10ft away from me on the floor

-Running around the house, not coming to me while I'm calling him, then I find him doing it in the living room.


What I think is sometimes he is acting out because I am not paying FULL attention to him. He exhibits this behavior when I am on the phone too, getting in my face with toys, whining etc. This is odd, because he is NOT a needy dog. As soon as i hang up the phone, he's off playing by himself, not paying attention to me at all.


I've tried ignoring the bad behavior, telling him promptly to "Knock it off!," taking him out MORE than enough to have an opportunity to go, on leash and introducing him to new places before he is allowed to "explore"...


Any thoughts?


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I don't think ignoring it will get you any improvement!   My initial question is what are you doing if/when you catch him in the act.  I would suggest picking him up or grabbing him by the collar and immediately taking him outside to an appropriate place to potty.


How is he being fed?  2 meals a day?  If so - with some attention to his potty habits, you should be able to predict when he needs to poop.   I would then schedule walks/outside time during this time frame and not allow him back inside until he does his business.  For instance - I know my Shelby poops first thing in the morning and then ususally around 6:00pm - just before her dinner time.   


Then... when you capture him doing the right pooping behavior - praise and treat!   If you are taking him into you yard - no play or any attention until he does his business. 


That was my approach with Shelby when she was young... maybe it could be of help to you!  Good luck and keep us updated!

Thanks for your input! Yes, we have feeding schedule. (ps i meant ignoring the barking/whining/in the face actions). He has no problem doing his business when we go outside, and he is great at telling me he has to go! He could poop 2-4 times in one day and then still poop inside!


I guess I need to go back to square one with potty training and do the taking outside immediately thing. I guess i havent been doing that everytime because I don't think it's because he doesnt know better, it seems like acting out to me. But, I know I have to try everything because I don't know his intentions....



I'm not sure about others, but that seems like a lot of poo to me ....... If either of my girls poo 3 times it is the exception rather than the norm.  It is usually twice.  Are you feeding a good high quality food that doesn't have a lot of filler?
He usually runs to the door we go out and looks at me.
Ps - No Normal warnings that he's going to go... he usually makes it VERY clear he has to go.
I wonder if you are leaving him out long enough.  Sometimes people bring them in too soon. Some dogs take forever.  Some go right away.  I have one of each.   I stay with mine until I know they have gone, then bring them inside.



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