Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

ROLL CALL--Let's try to get an actual count on the numbers of doodles who shed

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Thanks, Nancy... you give me hope!
You are welcome. I know that I gave up hope that Ned's coat would get easier until suddenly it was! He is still a high maintenance guy - it takes us 40 - 60 minutes to brush/comb him, but not having to do it daily or every other day is a real pleasure.
We bought a Goldendoodle with the understanding that they shed a minimum or not at all...apparently she did not get the memo!!! She is a F1 and I have heard that they are more likely to shed. Shed or not shed we would not give her up for anything. The first year I may have :-)
When we got Clancy, we were soooooo hoping he would be a non-shedder. Well parts of him are non-shedding, but the other parts are pure retriever. I find fur bunnies in all my corners.

Ted is F4,  He is just a year old.


He strted shedding at about 8 months and is still doing it lots.  I try to brush him daily it takes about 40mins (60lb).


My sis wasn't allergic to him until about a month ago - fine til then - so I guess she is allergic to something that has kicked in as he has reached adulthood.


Fortunately all of us asthmatics and rhinitus suffereres that live with him seem ok.


Couldn't possible swap him.


We have wooden floors, so just get balls in corners -I'm wondering whether I should collect it all and wash it and then find some sort of market for it.


Labradoodle pillow anyone?

Okay, My guy is an F1 and weighs 74 lbs (was 76.5 lbs but he was loosing his waist line so it was time to cut back on the kibble) and sheds way too much, IMO!  He has a short, wavy, wiry coat with areas around his neck and ears that are very soft.  His coat has gotten very thin and even my friends asked what happened because he use to be more fluffy.  He is eating Taste of the Wild, gets EPO daily, an egg about 3 times a week and no junk food, nothing with corn or wheat.  And when the scratching gets to be too much I give him pred for a couple of days until it subsides.  Any suggestions?  I not only wear his fur, I breathe it.  And - okay here is a confession:  I was a smoker and quit about a month ago, hoping that would help.  Jury is still out.
Connor is a 3 yr old F1 goldendoodle. He sheds a little, but NOTHING compared to the newfoundland or golden retriever we had. I can brush/comb him 1-2x/week and he is good to go. Simon is a 19-month old F3 ALD. He doesn't shed, but started matting at about 9 months old as his coat started to change to adult. When I got him he had a relatively straight/lightly wavy fleece coat that has grown to spiral fleece. I used to brush him daily and still couldn't keep up with the mats. It has taken 2 cut downs to 1-1 1/2" and his coat has finally gotten back to where it can grow out without going crazzy matty. I use special shampoo, special conditioner and 2 different grooming sprays PLUS a pin brush, a slicker brush and 2 different combs...BUT his coat looks good and the mats are at a minimum so I am hopeful when the change is finally done, we'll be able to brush a couple times a week. I also have a collie and 2 long-hair indoor cats that shed like crazy. :-) I love my babies...what's a little hair?????
I have an F1 labradoodle that sheds, but no where near as much as a lab would!  His coat is so easy to care for - once a week with a slicker.  We have even pushed it to two weeks a couple of times with no problems.  I also have a multigen non-shedder LD with a curly fleece coat.  Let me tell you, I love him but will never have another one with a coat like this.  It takes three hours at least once a week to comb him through and get the mats out.  He also affects my allergies more than the shedding doodle!!  We researched like mad before getting our first dog (the F1) and were lucky enough to find a breeder who was homest about the chances of me being allergic to a LD.  We visited her and met lots of her dogs before going ahead and getting the puppy.  We had made the decision to get a dog and live with the consequences, once we got him we were keeping him no matter what it took.  I got lucky and and not hugely allergic to either of them, but I always take care to educate people who ask me - I tell them that not all doodles are allergy friendly and there is no guarantee they won't shed.
Sadie is an F1 goldendoodle and has been shedding non stop since she was 4 months old.  Do some doodles stop shedding after their coat has finished changing?
If she's been shedding since she was 4 months old, it's very doubtful that she will stop shedding as an adult. The coat change wouldn't turn her from a shedder into a non-shedder.
Shedding!!!!  oh boy Mocha sheds quit a bit.... and right now she is really shedding.  Guess it is that time of year to "blow their coats".  She is acquiring mats from so much hair.  She has long straight hair.  So many doodles are cute, but Mocha is referred to as beautiful.  If so many people didn't say  "what a beautiful dog" I would probably shave her!!  Misery likes company, so all you out there tell me how much your doodle sheds :-).  Wear anything fleese and I look like I have a angora sweater on etc. 

I have the same situation, and it's not seasonal "coat blowing"'s year-round. And I live in microfleece! Hairy microfleece.




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