Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Between getting to know everyone with Yappy Hour and the game of 3 truths and one lie, there is so much to learn about everyone and there are some really interesting and talented people on DK. I would love to know some of the vital statistics like: Age, Married, Children, their ages, professions, hobbies, a dream or goal you have before you get too old to do it. Things that aren't on our profile page already. With all the photos of ourselves we can now put the whole picture of the DK member together.

I'll start:

I am 57 and have been married to my highschool sweetheart for 39 years this May. We have two grown children, Michele 36 and Erik 30 who are both married and live nearby in Az. We have one grandson, Ethan,20 months old, who is my sunshine. I am a Labor and Delivery Nurse, somewhat semi retired and DH is a retired Fire Fighter. I love to make quilts and give one to every family member and so far have about 16 done and about 23 to go. I love to run, work out, be outdoors, garden, read, and spend time with family and doodles. One of my biggest goals is to hike the Grand Canyon rim to rim and also to see Europe someday. Other than that, my dream of being a mom and grandmother is being realized every day.

How about you?



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Ok, here goes, I am 64 yrs old and a retired Ob-Gyn nurse, and Urology nurse.  I am married to my husband Ira and we will be celelbrating our 40th wedding anniversary this April.  We have 2 sons, Stephen, he is 36 an he is a Municipal bonds broker in Boca Raton Fl.  My other son Matthew is 33, and he is a a literary agent in New York.  Both sons are married, for the past 3 yrs, and they got married 2 mos apart. ( talk about craziness, 2 weddings in 2 mos!!~) We have an 11 yr old grandaughter from my DIL's first marriage, she is quite the singer and entertainer.  Just such a sweet girl.  But I would love to have some more grand babies..Hopefully we will have them......We live in Lake Worth Florida in a Golf and Country Club development.  We have lived in Florida for the past 27 yrs.  My husband Ira is an accountant, and he still practices accounting, he hasn't retired, lol, and I go in to help in the office when he needs me. I love to read and knit, and hang out on Doddle kisses, lol.  We are the proud parents of 2 dogs, our 14 yr old Aussie, A red tri, named Renegade, and our sweet goldendoodle Oliver. He will be 2 yrs old in April too, lol  We love to travel, when we can, and maybe someday my DH can retire and we can travel more.  But until then, we will just be happy as we are.  My only compalint is that we don't have a bigger house with more property so I can have more doodles, lol...Oh I used to be a thin blonde, lol, now I am not so thin, but maybe Weight Watchers will help, on it for 2 weeks...not doing too bad, just wish I didn't love food...So thats it for me...
I tell myself every Saturday I am going back to Weight Watchers....another one just went by, right? It is so hard to get motivated. Congrats. on your two weeks. Two weddings in two months...if my other daughter had told me she was getting married two months after my oldest daughter did, I would have shot myself..LOL. It was so hectic. Glad you survived.
I lost 75 pounds on WW< I am starting to gain back, we can be ww buddies????

I am a Licensed Practical Nurse and have worked at the same children's hospital for the last 34 years, I will be 54 in a couple of days and am 1 year away from retirement. I love working with children and spent the last 30 mins of my shift today playing and cuddling with a 3 yr old little boy whose family could not be with him. While I enjoy my work all those years of shift work are taking a toll. I have been married for 33 years,  most of the time happily, my husband is the manager of a nursery and garden center. I have a 23 yr old son who we adopted when he was 3mos old, he is currently working on becoming a Journeyman Electrician. I am sometimes an empty nester when my son is away from home working. I am the middle child of 3 with a brother and a sister. I have a very long list of things that I want to do when I retire and finally have the time.

I am not much of a traveller and am a very nervous flyer but would like to take a couple of months and drive across Canada and through some of the US states, anywhere that I can go with the doodle.

My favorite season is summer but I would not want to live somewhere that was warm all year round. My favorite thing to do in summer is to hike the many trails that have been built along the coastline of this very rugged province I call home.  I also love to sit and watch the whales that pass by our coasts in the summertime and can do so for hours. It is the most relaxing thing you can ever do. Over the years I have had many hobbies including reading, knitting, painting, photograpy and gardening. My new hobby seems to be spending time on DK.

Becoming a doodle mom is the best decision I have made in a long time and I am constantly amazed at how much I love I have for this furball and by extension I have also come to care more about dogs in general and doodles in particular.

We live in a small town just 10mins outside the city so that we have the best of both worlds, we have beaches, tons of hiking trails and open space to play in yet anything we need is just a short drive away.

OK I'll stop now hopefully you are still awake after reading this. The photo below is taken from one of the hiking trails that overlooks the small bay in our town.

Donna - what a beautiful place to live! Just so calming!
What a beautiful setting. How lucky you are to live there!
Donna, I can't think of anything I would rather do than sit and watch the whales go by. How lucky you are!! It looks like you live in a beautiful place.

I'm in awe of your "world" Donna.  So beautiful...I've been on whale watches but to sit on the shore and watch the whales play sounds like a little piece of heaven to fortunate you are!   

"Becoming a doodle mom is the best decision I have made in a long time and I am constantly amazed at how much I love I have for this furball and by extension I have also come to care more about dogs in general and doodles in particular."     Thanks for sharing is exactly how I feel....and I've wondered how it is that having Banjo in my life has made me more interested and caring for all dogs.  I definitely look at all of them in a different light - and although I've had dogs in the past....I never felt the way I feel now.   Looks like our Doodles have brought out the best in us!
I want to be there.  NOW! Gorgeous place to live.

I am 47. I live in Philadelphia PA & I have been married for 27 years. I work at a bank & I have been working there for 26 years. My husband Brian is a Police Officer for the transit authority. He is a Sgt. with them & he has been with them for 28 years. I have two children a daughter 21 & a son 17. My daughter Julia is graduating from college in May. She is graduating with a degree in Sports Mgt. She has been helping coach a 12 & under girls softball team for 4 yrs. She loves to coach the girls since softball has always been a big part of her life since she was 4. She is also thinking about getting certified in Sign language, after taking 2 semesters in college & getting high grades.  My son Brian is graduating High school in June & then will be starting college at the end of August. My baby boy will be leaving home! He is going to school for Criminal Justice. My husband & I are hoping he'll change his mind because although it's an honorable occupation it is not safe to be a police officer any where but especially Philadelphia. He is also very involved in the school plays & will be producing his own student play in May. He is going to minor  in Theatre art as well. My biggest worry about when he goes is that he is not a morning riser.

My new baby girl Bindi (Australian labradoodle) was born on Nov, 28 2009. After 10 years without a dog my hubby said we could get one but it had to be a labradoodle & it had to be brown. It took me 4 weeks but I found her.. She stole our hearts ever since.

My dream is to go to a dude ranch with my hubby & of course Bindi. My husband thinks I'm crazy!

Oh Kimberly - we have a lot in common..... right now - mostly our sons.... but my saving grace is he will go to a local college.  Your son sounds a lot like mine.. Infact he has been practicing very hard these past few weeks for the play in his high school - but this year he is in the pit orchestra.  He plays alto sax.  He is majoring in math - to be a secondary math teacher and minoring in possibly music.  We too went 10 years without a dog after our golden retriever died.  My dad was a police officer so I know what you mean about it being honorable, but scary.  Everytime my younger son use to say he wanted to be a cop, I got a pit in my stomach.  Now he's on to architect...  best of luck to your son!  It truly takes a special person to do that for a living.
Hi, Kimberly. My daughter started out in Criminal Justice and ended up with a PhD in Special Education. Go figure. Bindi is just adorable. I love those chocolate doodles. I hope you get to that dude ranch.



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