Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was folding the laundry from the dryer and Oliver grabbed a used dryer sheet that fell from the dryer.  He ate it before I could get it from him.  Does anyone know if these things are dangerous???..He seems fine, sleeping right now, but this is his evening nap time.  Any info would be greatly appreciated...

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I wouldn't panic.  My dogs use to LOVE them and ate several.  That's why I switched to the new Bounce dryer bar.  Cop out?  You bet!  But it makes my life easier. :o)  

If he had eaten an unused one I'd be more worried. But once they've been through the dryer most of the chemicals are off.
G-d bless you April!!!..You are the reason I will sleep tonight...I thought the same thing, since it was used, infact it was used twice, I am so glad to hear that it has happened to someone else.  I have those dryer balls, I think I will go back to them..Thanks for making me feel better, but of course I will call the vet tomorrow morning...I just hope he passes it, I will watch of course...
Call poision control. They would be able to tell you if they are toxic.
I did hear that it's not great to eat... but if it was through the cycle, most of the chemicals would be off... Tori HAS eaten a few too.... I freaked of course, (called vet - they said just watch her) but she was fine... I did watch for it to come out - they all did - one end or another.... watch him - if he vomits anything up that does not contain the sheet - I would call the one you don't care for any way....but I can tell you Tori was fine and she is one to get herself into MANY intestinal disturbances with the things she eats.  Try not to drive yourself crazy.. I KNOW easier said than done.  Maybe try and give him some pumpkin if you have - it will actually coat the intestinal tract and maybe even the sheet to help it along.  If not, try some bread ... watch also to make sure he is not overly thirsty.  Good luck!  I will be monitoring this!  {{{{HUGS}}}}

LOL... I didn't even read April's post - I just started typing - to help ease your mind before you went to sleep!  Used TWICE???? Even BETTER!  I think he'll be fine!  

APRIL~ Gotta' look for the bar.....thanks!

Thanks Shelly, I will be watching, he seems just fine, so I am going to wait till the morning, if he gets ill during the night I will take him to the Emerg. vet.  But all seems well, and I think I will give him a spoon of pumpkin in a few minutes.  He loves pumpkin.  I am just glad to hear that Oliver is not the only one to do this.  Hugs back to you too...I will call the vet in the morning first thing, but I know that he is going to tell me to watch him and watch his poop.  I am not going to induce vomiting, he seems really fine..I am just nervous...
I really think he'll be ok!  I am always afraid to induce vomiting.... I know 'they' advise that sometimes, but the ER vet that tori has visited more often than I care to say... said sometimes you can't get them to stop vomiting and then you have other problems.... sleep well... I have a feeling everything will work out "in the end" (so sorry couldn't resist some comic relief!)  have a great night!
thanks Shelley, a little comic relief is just fine right now...
I do not use dryer sheets because of the chemicals, but we have shared laundry and the other people in my house do use them. Cooper loves to grab then, but she hasnt eaten one. Its crazy the things they do and I thank DK so often for all these great people here to give advice and put minds at ease!

My naughty husband said: "I bet he smells nice!"

But seriously, I think he should be okay...ESPECIALLY since the dryer sheet was used.  I'm pretty sure Rosco's eaten one.  I bet those chemicals listed in that article are probably only a big deal when ingested in quantity (like if a dog drank laundry detergent) but probably will have minimal (if any) effects on a standard sized doodle when it's just one dryer sheet.

Tell DH, I said thanks for the laugh, I needed that right now...I thought the same thing as you, but I know that everyone here knows or has had things happen that they would know the answer or have a thought about it.  I gave him some some pumpkin, which he loves, and he seems just fine.  He keeps nudging me it is bedtime and he is ready.  lol, that is what he does everynight around 11 P.M.  How he knows the time is beyond me, lol...Oliver is big like Roscoe, so I am hoping there is no effect...I tell you, these doodles do the darndest things to us....thanks for the help...


I have used a tennis ball occasionally in the dryer in place of dryer sheets. Supposedly, it is better for the environment and I am thinking, safer for doodles :)



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