Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'll start out with saying that she is just fine.  She (or perhaps more so me) was just a bit shaken up. 


I started out on some errands today with Rua.  We went to the beauty supply store to find some thinning shears (they were out), went next door to the natural dog food store (got some peanut butter & blueberry treats), then went into to Office Depot (worked on walking her up and down the isles) and then finally to Petco to do some training (kinda a long strip mall).  At Petco they had retired greyhounds to adopt out, so we tried to do some recalls and sits.  Just a bit too much distraction, so I decided to go to the dog park.


I took Adina's advice and did some recalls outside of the park on her long lead, and she did fairly well.  So, as a reward, I took her in to play.  Kinda windy and cool, though the sun was shining.


All was going well, she really was actually venturing away from me and having so much fun running and frolicking.  She is always fairly cautious in approching dogs, and she will run back towards me if dogs appear too aggressive to her (we were in the small dog part).  Well, I was chatting with a couple who had a 1-year old fairly shy dog, and fortunately I always  Rua in my sight.. All of a sudden, Rua is being surrounded by four dogs and they started attacking her.  Rua was squealing/crying in a very high-pitched manner so I did what any totally insane person would do...I threw myself over Rua, pulled her from the dogs and tucked her under me to protect her.  I tucked my head down to keep from getting bit in the face.  The other dogs were pulled off of us...I don't even know who really attacked her (I think two of them were border collie-type dogs)...but just heard lots of "are you both alright" and "I'm sorry".


I checked her over...someone said one of the dogs had her by the top of the head...and other than being full of dead grass from being rolled, having a wet head from slobber, and piddling herself, thank God she was fine.  I did get bit on my left index finger, 1/2 way between where it joins my hand and the first knuckle.  The skin was punctured just a bit (just a few drops of blood) in two places.  I have treated it and will just watch and see.  I am not concerned about rabies...just an infection.


I had been considering getting an invisible fence this spring so Rua can run and play in the backyard.  The back of our lot is along the out-of-bounds line for the 6th hole of the golf course we live on and we have golfers almost in a yard all summer long (ummm mostly the bad golfers LOL).  After reading more about invisble fencing, I am thinking that I am going to have to talk my DH into a real fence.  We can only put up an ornamental fence and they are really expensive.  What with the housing prices, we wouldn't recoup the cost of an installed fence in who knows how long.  But, I think perhaps I can get an Ornamental Alumium fence - instead of iron - and do-it-ourselves (how hard can it be to dig and set 37 or so fence posts) install.  Hmmm...perhaps I will hire the digging!  I had planned on getting new great room furniture this spring, but I think a fence needs to be a higher priority!

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How scary!! I'm so glad she is OK ... You too...She is such a cutie pie. Dog parks are too stimulating for some dogs I think. The "pack mentality" can really take over and even normally "calm" dogs can become unpredictable.

Again, so glad you're both OK. We live in a neighborhood that has fence restrictions/ guidelines. I got a great PVC fence from Home Depot...the post holes were the worst part but manageable!

I am so sorry to hear about this! And I'm so glad you and Rua are okay!

It is so hard to believe that this could happen at the dog park. It seems to me that the other dogs involved should not be at a dog park at all. Is there anyone you can report it to? Is it a city-run park?

Cosmo was charged once and chased once by a dog in our neighborhood. Cosmo was just in our front yard on a leash, and the other dog, who was loose, ran across three yards to get to him. The other dog's owner, who was outside, kept saying, "Oh, he just wants to play"--but that dog had no intention of playing at all. The first time, I picked Cosmo up, so the dog could no longer see Cosmo's eyes and he stopped dead in his tracks; the second time, I wasn't quick enough, and Cosmo got chased. Cosmo was only frightened but he did not deserve to be treated that way in his own yard, and Rua did not deserve to be treated that way at the dog park. Fortunately for us, the dog and his owner moved away.

It's so important for young dogs like Rua and Cosmo to get the kind of socializing play with dogs of all ages and breeds, the way they can at the dog park. I hope you won't give up on the park, but I know how anxious you must be.

And good luck with the fence project. It will be great for Rua to have her own backyard park!

Oh Dear God, my heart stopped when I read the title of this post.. I know that high pitched squeal so well, that is what Jack did when he was attacked. I think they do it so loudly as a sign of surrendering, I don't know for sure, I am so glad she is okay.


I am not an expert, when Jack was attacked he was hurt, his hip was ripped out of socket. It was fine though just needed to rest, me (the former er, trauma nurse) was a mess.


One of the things the trainer told me to do is not cuddle him, Within a few days after the attack even though he could not walk, I carried him to Pet Smart and took him to other trainers and people I knew were safe and made him go by them, I also made myself let other dogs that I knew were safe smell him, lick him and love on him, I didn't let him be fearful or give into the fear, I was so afraid all his social skills were going to be gone.


None of that happend, he only prefers not to walk down the road where he was attacked, though I still make him go, especially now that the dog is gone, but he recovered well.


I am so grateful Rua is okay. I am sorry for your day,


Sending love and hugs,


Jennifer and Jack

Oh poor Rua and poor you!  I bet you almost piddled yourself too!  I know how we all feel about our babies and how protective we are.  My Gracie Doodle was attacked by the next door neighbor's totally unsocialized Rottweiller while I had Gracie on a leash and we were just walking down our driveway.  The  neighbor let his dog out of the car parked at the curb and he lead her over to Gracie to say Hi.  I have always avoided them like the plague because the dog is just not a nice dog!  Well, she lunged at Gracie and grabbed her around the neck and made Gracie scream (which she has NEVER done) and then when we got them separated she hid behind my legs...all 75 lbs of her.  Needless to say...I was Pissed!!!!  All of our dogs in our neighborhood (16) are socialized and play very well together except for two houses.  This neighbor has three dogs and across the street has two.  None of them are socialized and all they do is bark and jump at the windows when any of us are out in front.  I think there is absolutely no excuse for unsocialized dogs living in a residential neighborhood.  I know exactly how shaken up you were and I feel for you.  Glad everyone is OK but be sure to watch that finger.  Hugs to you and little Rua!
So glad little Rua is ok.
I'm so glad little Rua is okay, and you as well. What a scary ordeal.
Oh Dori, how frightening for both you and Rua...I would have done the same thing you did, and I probably would have called the police.  I hope that the people whose dogs attacked Rua & you offered to take care of your bite bills and any medical care that you or Rua might need.  I am hoping that you got there names and addresses...Thank goodness that both of you are ok, I got so scared when I saw the title of the posting.  I would maybe go to the Dr. and have it looked at anyway.  You might need an antibiotic, or something else.  Hugs to the two of you and I am so thankful that she is ok, and that you are not seriously hurt..Grrr, people just don't pay attention to their animals....

I am thrilled to hear that you both are okay!  I am so sorry that you both had such a horrendous day.

You make the case for why a hard fence is safer than an electric fence. Both will keep our dogs in - but an e-fence won't keep others out. 

I hope your finger heals quickly.


Oh, no!  I'm glad you're both going to be OK.  That's scary.
as i mentioned on another blog, what is the definition of a fence>?  in another life time i was a zoning/codes official. the exact wording makes the defence/offence.  make a fence, whatever fits the code. :)
Additionaly, we are very sorry to hear about your encounter.  :(
I am so glad  you and Rua are both okay.  I am so sorry this happened. Watch that finger.



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