Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Suzann's recent discussion asking for puppy pictures, is giving us all puppy fever. I think it we don't show the other side of the coin, we are soon going to have Carol, Banjo and Cello....Anna, Achilles and Aphrodite....Ricki, Tara, and Laurie....Donna, Quincy and Limerick...Jane, Rooney, and Gable...and the list could go on and on. I am trying to stay strong, so I don't end up with Fudge, Vern, and Frito. March is the month I brought both my puppies home and I found both my pups over the internet and fell in love with their pictures. One picture was all it took and now I have two dogs.LOL

When I first brought Fudge home, it had been 15 years since we had a puppy and I forgot all the work involved. I guess with the first one, I was busy raising my family and one more little puppy didn't seem like such a big deal when I was raising two girls. This time around, I had declared that there would be no more dogs in our future, and then I found Fudge's picture on the internet and fell in love. We were practically empty nesters and could have any life we wanted, and one picture convinced me I needed a dog :) 

I just found a copy of my Christmas letter the year we got Fudge and had to laugh when I read what I had written:


The last time we had a puppy was over fifteen years ago and it is amazing how one little puppy can be so tiring.  Fudge slept in a crate next to my side of the bed and I heard every noise she made throughout the night.  When she wasn’t making noise, I would worry something was wrong.  Since she is so dark, I could not see her in the crate and took to sleeping with a flashlight, so I could check on her periodically.  The only problem with that plan was I would doze off and lose the flashlight in the bed and have to either turn on the light or search frantically in the dark.  I was waking everyone up with all the activity and scaring John with all the groping under the covers.  Several times he yelled, “that’s not the flashlight” and even in my dazed stupor I figured that out right away.  The lack of sleep was also starting to affect my appearance and my cheerful disposition. 


In the mornings, I took to walking Fudge in the nearby cornfield in my robe and rubber boots and usually forgot to comb my hair on the way out the door.    John viewed this as an opportunity to hone his comedic skills… “Hallmark called and Maxine wants her clothes back…..did you run into Dorothy, the Tin Man, and the Lion on your walk?...if the look you are going for is disheveled, scary woman, you nailed it yet again.”  Finally, I just said, “I didn’t know Soupy Sales had a brother Stupy” and he quit for awhile.  I think he was almost afraid to come home from work each day and open the door.  I know what everyone is thinking, but this was different.  One night, when he got home from work, I told him I was so tired I could not remember if I showered that day.  He said he had a hint for me, if I had; I had not done a very good job. Another day, he kept looking at my chest and finally said, “What is happening here?”  When I explained that Fudge had chewed my good, very expensive, bra and I tried to fix it, so I would not have to throw it away, he said if the bra was supposed to lift and separate, I was O for 2.  Several times, I caught John and Hayley plugging their noses when I walked by, and when I asked them why they kept doing that, John said, “we had one more option, but Hayley didn’t think she could hold you, while I wiped you down with tomato juice.”  It did take awhile, but I started to adjust to the new routine and turned to John one evening and said, “Guess what?  I took a long shower tonight.  I think you know what that means.”  It was hard to hear what he was saying, because he was way over on his side of the bed and had the sheets pulled up over his nose.   I think he said he hoped it meant the health department had finally acted on an “anonymous” tip and stopped by the house.


I brought Fudgie home in March of 2009, and you know what happened? Somewhere between the puppy biting stage, the sleepness nights, the worries about her not eating....I fell in love. It had probably already started with that one picture. I wrote this letter in November of 2009 and by January, 2010, was looking for another PUPPY. Like childbirth, which I swore not to do again, I forgot and did it again :) Just like Fudge, I fell in love with Vern 's picture and the anticipation of holding him and loving him and that is exactly what happened. So, I might have to stop looking at those puppies for a couple of days because I am getting PUPPY FEVER. How about you??

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That is how it started with Vern. I just took a peek :) Thank you!

Laurie...OMD...I have to create a new acronym for what happened as I was reading your letter from when you brought Fudge home.  LOLMSBAT  I CHALLENGE ANYBODY to figure out what what means.  Let''s just say YOU REALLY SHOULD be writing professionally...IDK, maybe a weekly blog or sometype of column.  I really need to buy some of those piddle pads I have heard about.  All kidding aside, I am NOT ready for another puppy.  I have an almost 8 month old.  I want to give her all of my attention.  I hate to leave for work in the morning and CAN'T wait to get home.  I work like H E Double toothpicks in between.  I need to work for the pay so I can play, but let me tell you, I have a picture of my sweet little girl Rua in front on me ALL the time.

Post this in a discussion LOLMSBAT and let's see what we come up with...I am clueless, so far. This would be a fun discussion and maybe become a famous DK saying. Thank you for the comments. My dogs can drive me nuts, but I always miss them when I am away. Go figure:)
That darn Caitlin is too smart for her own britches :)
I vote for you having a column somewhere (well, here at least). You are a wonderful writer and soooo funny!
Thank you so much!
Those puppy pictures are haunting me - I spent all night dreaming about puppies!  We tried to get Rooney a brother through rescue - didn't work out so I told myself that it wasn't meant to be and then thought about a mini goldendoodle - then talked myself into trying to believe that Rooney is better off as an only dog.  I might have to ban myself from DK for a while - go through withdrawls even - to get over the puppy maddness!!!!
I felt that way when we got Vern. I started looking and when I found him, I just knew he was meant to be mine. I tried to rescue prior to Vern and kept getting turned down because I did not have a fence. One dog was listed forever and I could not believe I couldn't get him because I did not have a fence. My dogs are spoiled rotten. Now, that I have two, a fence really does make a huge difference. You will make the right decision for your family :)
Well!  I've read through all seven pages and it has been a MOST delightful time!  You all sound so connected...with honest expressons of the all the work puppyhood brings...yet so in love with each of your Doodles!  Again, with my heightened anticipation of a new puppy this July, I have the naysaying friends who think I'm nuts to start "all over again" with a puppy....and while my DH loves dogs, after laying to rest our 17 year old Westie last summer, he was rather looking to this as being "our time".  But I'm the one home all day without the dear companionship of a dog; I'm the one who power walks daily in the part past practically every other person walking their devoted canine companion and I just know I need another dog to love!  BUT...last night for some reason, I tossed and turned and could not get back to sleep.  With my new pet-confinement pen having just arrived yesterday, and my husband's expression as to how big it was and how disrupptive it will be once assembled in our kitchen, I kept asking myself, was I really doing the right thing?  I thougth, well, it's 2 a.m. and in another couple of months, you will be out of your bed, walking the pup, or listening it cry, or all the other things a new baby brings to your I realy sure!!  But daylight broke, and what do I find myself speind a whole lot of time doing today.....READING POSTS ON DK!!!  Your're all such a great bunch!  I am thanful as well having found this site.  Just wait until I get my puppy...look out!  I'll be posting photos and telling stories and comparing notes!  A huge thank you all for sharing such wonderful senses of  humor!
Gayle, I had all the same thoughts. We were practically empty nesters and I was sure when our old lab died, I would never want another. Ask anybody in my family....I said it all the time. We tried rescue and I loved that old girl, but she had major issues and when she died, once more dogs...NEVER EVER. Like you, though, I am home alone, and I could not believe it, but I missed having a dog and after the rescue, wanted to start over with a puppy. Up until the day we got her, I was in a panic and even after, when I was so tired, thought I had made a big mistake. What had I done. Well, you know what, I am so glad I did not let my fears get in the way of loving another puppy. I feel like I started a whole new chapter. Find someone who can watch your dog when you go away, try doggie daycare, etc. You can still have alone time and me time and still have a dog and a life you love. My friends and family thought I was nuts too and my mom was really upset about me getting a puppy. I love my dogs on even the bad days. It will all work out and when you get your dog you will have a new routine and a new normal. I look forward to the postings. We are all here for support. Good luck.

Wise words Laurie!  Thanks so much!  Have a great weekend!


Gayle, I have had the very same thoughts too, like 'what the hell am I doing?'  I live alone, will have no help with the dog, will be tied down again, yada - yada but you know will all be worth it and like Laurie said, even on the bad days it will be great to have these wonderful companions.  We'll just have to keep encouraging and helping one another here on DK.



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