Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just might lose my lunch over this...I'm so upset I could cry.....or skin two dogs...haven't decided yet.(crate update)

Yes, they are still puppies. Yes, we walk them every single day and play and play and play and play. Yes we thought we had totally puppy proofed our dining room but somehow, our beaver doodles CHEWED their way into a cabinet and drug out, tore-up and chewed beyond recognition some of my linen napkins, a Longeburger basket and liner, and antique cookbook of my great grandmothers (with her writing in it) and of all things, a bottle of Elmer's glue...all in a 3 hour period.

When I opened the front door today, Penny was standing on the gate with one of the Longeberger liners in her mouth, all proud of herself and making happy, happy, wookie noises. Ginger knew right away that they were in BIG trouble and immediately ran for cover as if I was going to beat her or something. There they both stood, covered in glue and pieces of antique cookbook stuck all over them...I would have laughed if I hadn't been about to throw up. I don't know what to do. We've tried everything except selling them….CHEAP! Oh! And one more YES….They had plenty of toys to chew on. I guess it’s time to kennel them during the day. So sad though, we got two so that they would have each other and stay out of trouble. Instead, they are partners in crime on a mission to destroy my house one bite at a time.

"CALGON tequila take me away"

So I think a few of you might have missed the pics I posted so I'll puth them here...and...THANK YOU ALL!  I'm so encouraged by your posts. :)





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PICTURES!! I had already started cleaning it up. Those two beds have to be thrown out. They are COVERED in glue and shredded cookbook. It's like they've been tarred and feathered. There are a couple of other cookbooks in there too that wasn't as attached to like the one that came with an electric wok we got for a wedding gift and a kids cookbook.. Anyway, here's part of the destruction.


Ohhhhh! Donna, that is painful.  I see why you are upset.  I wish I could help you clean up the mess.
Oh wow...those really were busy Doodles!  Just don't let them get together with Fudge and Vern.  The four of them would really get into a lot of trouble together!!!
I hope you can save some pages of your Grandma's cookbook :) They were very busy!!
Oh Donna, this must have been awful.  The cookbook must have broken your heart.  I would have to agree that they're just not ready to be HOME ALONE.  As much as I'm sure you don't want to do it, to preserve your sanity (and your house) they probably need to be crated until they're older.
You know what Jane? They've been really good up to this point (except for the wooden gate, hence our new nickname for them...The beaver doodles), but they are 6 and 9 months old and have always been confined to the dining room. I had no idea they could get into cupboards :-/

Beaver Doodle is a good name.   We call Malley our Kangaroo Goat.   She is crated when we are not home - she loves it because on days I am home, she heads in there and looks at me like "well, are you leaving?"  If she was not crated - I would have no home.   She is one year old today and some days it seems she is growing up and some days, not so much.  Still, wouldn't trade it for the world!

And so go the Doodle stories.  Yep, they can get into a mess of a mess as pups, and continue on into adulthood.  I

have never had as much difficulty training a dog as I have had with my Mitzi Doodle.  She is as smart as a whip so I

have a hard time understanding why she is as stubborn as she is.  Our new pup, a standard poodle who is just a little over

one year old, is so much more eager to please and behave than she has ever been.  They get along beautifully, but my

biggest worry is that she will teach the pup her bad habits.  LOL!   At least she is no longer eating the Capodimonte roses off my mother's etagere!  Glad she likes her crate!    

Sorry about your lost treasures, we know that feeling all too well, and good luck in the future.  Just keep telling yourself  "she will grow up, she will grow up"!   

I would be heartbroken about the cookbook too!!  If you don't want to kennel, is there a room in the house you can gate them in?  Rosey and Bandit are gated in their room in the basement so at least they can move around and be near each other when we are gone.


I am sure your doodles will work their way back into your good graces, they seem to have a knack for that!!

Suzann, the dining room is the only room we can gate them into. And they have been gated in there since we brought them home. They just have so much energy right now. Even though we walk them everyday and sometimes take them to the fenced in school yard so they can totally run around...not to mention our own backyard where they chase and run after one another many times during the day, it's just not enough. We walk them for over and hour most days and they could run the entire way if they didn't have to stop and sniff a million times. They are really well behaved when we are home and haven't gotten into too much trouble alone. They've chewed the walls and molding a bit but stopped that a few months ago. This was just so random and so destructive. My great grandmother's cookbook is really what's killing me the most. I can never get her writing back. I don't mean to be a complainer. I usually try to keep my posts light but I just feel sick over this one and needed to run to the people who love their dogs as much as I do.

Thanks so much for your reply, and you're right. I can't stay mad forever. They are precious to me.

Can you put as many of the pieces of the book in a baggie as possible and then maybe there is a restorative process or business that could try to piece it back together?? I know it's a stretch but there are all kinds of crazy businesses these days.   I wonder if there were food smells on the cookbooks and that is why they went after them??  Have you ever considered doggie daycare a couple times a week?  That is what we do and it definitely helps tire them out.  It will get better, Rosey is 20 months now and I can see that she is resting a teensy bit more.  She would NEVER stop as a pup so I felt I had to do daycare and that is why we got another too because we COULD NOT keep her occupied.   


i think that you entertain and exercise your doggies enough.  Let us remember they are DOGS.  they really dont know how much they have hurt your feelings about a special piece of something. (remember  my fav 100 year old shoes) they really dont know.  they are DOGS. they dont understand the level of emotion that things are about.  we have to guard our things, because to the dogs, they are just stuff, just things.  I understand your frustration, esp, grandmas recipes.  You can find a way to reproduce these things?  or not?  I've lost lots of stuff due to divorce and so on.  you will find a way to plug the holes.  I'm sorry to hear your loved ones have caused you so much pain.  It will be ok.



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