Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My question is about accepting friend requests where they have sent you a comment. If you accept that request, where does the comment go? This just happened to me and I accepted the request and tried to go back and answer the comment and I can't find it. What did I do wrong?

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I don't know. Sometimes I forget to read the message before accepting the friend request, then I lose the message and never know what it was. :-( shucks.
The message goes to cyberspace :( unfortunately. If you wish to respond to it, do so before you accept the friend request by going to that person's page. Cumbersome I know. Worth me bugging the system techies about I guess...but can't promise a timely solution.
I thought it was lost forever. I am too quick and my memory is bad enough that in that short of time I usually forget the message. Shucks. Thank you!
I had wondered the same thing and now I know.  :D
Same thing with sending messages to a group...lost in space.
It happened to me last week.  I still remember the question, so I will go to that persons site and answer the question.
LOL! Caitlin I thought the SAME thing!!! I thought "What is Laurie up to NOW???"
Ricki, I would never do that unless we did it together....remember we have formed an alliance! You and Caitlin automatically thought I was UP to something....LOL.
Ricki, Yours was the first name I thought of when I heard we had a spammer :) Just kidding!
Remember our alliance!! You can't accuse me of spamming without accusing YOURSELF! Hee hee!!
I keep forgetting :)

Special DK Announcement: Laurie, of Laurie Fudge and Vern is now accepting friend requests and comments. 





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