Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just might lose my lunch over this...I'm so upset I could cry.....or skin two dogs...haven't decided yet.(crate update)

Yes, they are still puppies. Yes, we walk them every single day and play and play and play and play. Yes we thought we had totally puppy proofed our dining room but somehow, our beaver doodles CHEWED their way into a cabinet and drug out, tore-up and chewed beyond recognition some of my linen napkins, a Longeburger basket and liner, and antique cookbook of my great grandmothers (with her writing in it) and of all things, a bottle of Elmer's glue...all in a 3 hour period.

When I opened the front door today, Penny was standing on the gate with one of the Longeberger liners in her mouth, all proud of herself and making happy, happy, wookie noises. Ginger knew right away that they were in BIG trouble and immediately ran for cover as if I was going to beat her or something. There they both stood, covered in glue and pieces of antique cookbook stuck all over them...I would have laughed if I hadn't been about to throw up. I don't know what to do. We've tried everything except selling them….CHEAP! Oh! And one more YES….They had plenty of toys to chew on. I guess it’s time to kennel them during the day. So sad though, we got two so that they would have each other and stay out of trouble. Instead, they are partners in crime on a mission to destroy my house one bite at a time.

"CALGON tequila take me away"

So I think a few of you might have missed the pics I posted so I'll puth them here...and...THANK YOU ALL!  I'm so encouraged by your posts. :)





Find the treats!!!

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That was supposed to say THEY'll  have a good time together but then I realized that you're just getting one...oops I must have needed a
Ok everyone we have 2 dooodles they have chewed up my oak table and chairs, I can;t count how many phones yes phones we have gone through. TV controls 2 what is it with them and yes they do have toys. So I did crate them. now they are 1 and 1/2 and 2 years old. I do have baby gates up 2 and not crated any more but we love them what can we say  laura
So sorry. We have an almost 7 month old standard and last night we thought she was chewing on a bullystick at the end of the sofa, but no, it was a piece of wood trim that she tore off the coffee table at some point in passing. She has been eyeing the table for a while now, and we had even gone so far as to apply bitter apple to the wood trim, but that didn't work out. This morning she took a book off the shelf and was chewing away at the corner, and it only took a second! Never a dull moment around here. We keep her crated when we can't watch her......
Jellybean and Owen are twins and so naughty! Hoping this improves. We enrolled in beginner obedience training and he has been better just after I paid for the classes! His first class is Monday. We'll see how he does! Eek. He is a handful. We love him to bits but oh what a personality!

I forgot to add to Mitzi's messes, two brand new pair of prescription eyeglasses totally chewed up and a glass coffee table top that she jumped onto, hit with a toe nail and shattered!  How lucky we were that she wasn't hurt.  We no longer forget our glasses and the table was replaced with one with a solid top.  There were also a lot of children's clothes that she managed to pull into rips, while they were wearing them.  No strings or skirts allowed in her house!  Stuffed toys are her specialty, she pulls the stuffing out of them, we have to remove all plastic eyes so she doesn't swallow them, and she loves to get the squeakers out of any dog toy with them.  We no longer buy toys that squeak, no matter how sturdy they appear.

I guess her best mishap was when she tripped me on our way to her first romp.  I fell onto the pavement and ended up with two fractured elbows, both minor , but enough to get out of housework for a few weeks!


OMG....I'd better stop reading!!!
OMG After reading all these posts, I'm feeling lucky that Finnegan only chews up his stuff!  If I leave any clothes on the floor he feels the need to fetch them for me but I find that pretty darn helpful.  God help us if he figures out the couch has stuffing in it :)

WOW! They worked fast!! If it makes you feel better we decided to try Chloe out of her crate her and there and then on Thanksgiving we came home from the inlaws and she had strings of berber carpet hanging out of her mouth! When you pull one piece it just keeps unraveling! She was sitting there looking up witha pile of carpet behind her! I walked in 1st and got the *#!% out of the way so we could both run when my husband saw it. Another time she ate the couch and worked on the carpet in a whole new area. So she is 4 now and finally this year they are out of their crates during the day. Myla has never chewed on anything but a pillow case and sheets. We usually find them in the window waiting for us. I feel your pain but the crates may be a good idea for awhile. We still have ours set up but haven't had to use them for awhile. Doggy day care?

Are you speaking to them yet???

The stories here are really driving home....I've owned dogs all my life as well and after puppyhood (which in my personal case with breeds of West Highland Terrier and Collie) was that after they reached the approximate age of 8-9 mos, I would never think twice about running an errand with the dog having full range of the house!!  I know how important it is to correct when catching the dog in the act(and usually this kind of behavior goes on when left alone), and I know you're not supposed to crate as what exactly do you all do to teach the dog that their behavior is wrong?  I'm beginning to get cold feet about our new puppy in July....again, it's been a long, long time since I've had a puppy and I don't want to kid myself with just what we might be in matter how beautiful the breed!  (do I sound harsh?  Seriously...I'm getting a bit scared). !
Don't worry about it - it'll all come back to you, like riding a bicycle.  Of course, it usually comes back after a unpleasant reminder :-)  You might get a perfect puppy who is no problem at all!  What I've noticed is that you might go for months thinking your dog "doesn't get it" and then "voila!", they get it.  A lot is just growing up so be patient, enjoy the puppy breath and impossibly soft fur, and next thing you know they will be well trained adults. (Of course, then you'll look at puppy pics and be ready to go through it all again!)
Thank you Jeninifer.....I know you're right....and besides, it's hearing all the problems without having the warm, adorable baby in your arms to love!!  All this information is great to make one more aware of what's up ahead.
Don't be scared Gayle, just be aware.  Gavin has not destroyed anything valuable.  Paper/TP/paper towels were a temptation when he was a youngster and we had to make sure the these things were up and lids were on the garbage pails, but he grew out of it.  When he was teething he would try for the corners of the couch and wicker baskets were not safe, but again we corrected and he grew out of it.  I was a serial supervisor and made him go everywhere with me when he was young.  Others have teathered the dog to them during this critical learning period so they could consistently correct when the dog went for an innappropriate thing to chew.  Gavin was gradually let out of the crate with gates in increasing increments when no one was home at about 9 months and successfully acheived free rein.  Alot of factors are involved and each case is individual, so its hard to say how much is nature vs nurture.  Dogs are like children in that some are just harder to raise!  So I can only tell you about my dog specifically.   He is curious but not hyper and secure but not dominant.  He has been known to test his boundaries though.  He gets 30-45 minute walk each morning and the same in the evening.  He has been through 3 training classes.  He is far from perfect obedience- wise, but has excellent house manners.  Maybe some others with positive experiences can chime in to give you a balanced perspective.



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