Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Dumb question (and I did search this but couldn't find anything).  Maggie is Rooney's best friend at our dog park, she is a Cockapoo.  Cocker Spaniel + Poodle  so why isn't she considered some type of doodle?  I think she is a Cockerdoodle.  I realize that this sounds a bit nasty and most people might not want to say that they have a Cockerdoodle but really isn't that what a Cockapoo is?  So can someone please explain - what defines a doodle?  If there are Labradoodles, Goldendoodles, Aussiedoodles, why not Cockerdoodles or would that be a Cockadoodle?  Yes, I woke up in the middle of the night to ponder this - lol.

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O.K. here is my very silly reason for wanting a Cockapoo to be a Cockerdoodle - Rooney just loves his buddy Maggie so if she became a Cockerdoodle then it is more like "family" - lol.   And I LOVE the other names you came up with "oh what kind of dog do you have?"  "Why its a Poococker of course."    OMD - that is hysterical.
They are already distant cousins and friends are as good as family.  So she's family!
Adina, you are so funny...
poocock!!!! I love it!!  If we are being literal can we change goldendoodle to goldenretroodle - I think it sounds so much better!!

Or maybe golretroodle.  That darn 'oodle' changes anything to silliness...HA!

I think in some country they are called retrodoodles. 

Your explanation was great, Adina. It covers Maltipoos, Schnoodles and all the others. Even Aussiedoodles should be Aussieoodles (awkward) or Aussiepoos. Is there another breed that could be a doodle, i.e. a name that could be abbreviated ending in a d. That's my challenge for today and no, I don't plan to donate anthing to anyone at the moment if someone comes up with one : )
Okay, I got a hit on the first letter of the alphabet.. An Airedale Terrier and a poodle could be an Airedoodle. Phew.

Really the labradoodle led the 'doodle' name bonanza. But it's not like any of these mixed breeds HAVE to be called by a combo name.  Especially any breed mix whose breeders have a goal for creating a pure breed someday.  North American Retriever (one of the names for the double doodle) isn't a combo name.  I don't like it though because they aren't bred for retrieving...they merely have retriever breeds in them.

We should start a naming game for goldendoodles and labradoodles that does not include either starting name or if it does it doesn't try to sound like a combo name.

Goodle and Loodle, oh dear.

For Goldens...Dendoodles, Oldendoodles

For Labs...Bradoodles, Raddoodles

You and F are still trying to include 'oodle' in the name. Remember my invention the "pootriever?"   Anyway, forget Labra- and golden- and forget -oodle and poo- -- OTHER than their starting names...what else would be a good name for a labradoodle or goldendodle?
Luca and Calla : )



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