Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am looking to increase fiber in Harvey's diet due a pesky anal gland issue.  I read about

Nature's Variety Raw Medallions.  Any suggestions for an additive to his current food? 


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What food is he currently eating?

Kirkland Adult Chicken, Rice and Vegetables.  I know it is the bargain food, however, the vet. stated they were all the same.  I will be happy to pay for a more expensive food if it really is worth it.

Just the fiber content alone varies from one food to another. I second Camill's advice. Visit the Food Group for some better choices.

Vets really don't get any nutritonal education in veterinary school. They're great for advice on medical issues, not so much for food.

What is the issue you are having?  I am curious because I have to take Alma in frequently to have her glands expressed.  My vet has never mentioned that it could be food related.  Her stool tests have not turned up anything.  She is eating Orijen poltry, fish and whole egg formula.

It doesn't get much better than Orijen in terms of producing hard stools. Whatever the issue with her glands, it isn't from the Orijen. Does she get anything else in the way of treats, etc.?

You might try green beans, canned pumpkin or sweet potatoes as Lisa mentioned.

Alma's stools are pretty good on Orijen.  We switched to that because of loose stools.  I just recently gave up sweet potato treats because it seemed like she was having problems.  We call it "itchy bottom."  She does her business and will scootch on the patio afterward.  At first I thought it might be a parasite but after multiple stool tests that came back negative we have been having her glands expressed.  This works for a bit but then she's back at it.  I tried pumpkin a while back with disasterous results - afraid to go there again.  Have only given her green beans straight from the garden.  I will relook at the few treats she gets (besides cooked chicken) and see if there is a pattern.  Thanks for the advice.
Knox had issues with his anal glands and I started feeding him Fromm's Salmon a la Veg. Absolutely worked miracles!! I really don't think I'll ever feed him anything else!

Hi Doris....what are the issues with the anal glands that Knox had? 

Knox had a horrible smell, according to my daughter and DH.  My "smeller" is a little off due to having chemo several years ago, but they said it was BAD and I had to believe them!  I took Knox to his vet, thinking that perhaps the bad smell was due to an ear infection.  Ha!  I had the wrong end!!  His vet knew immediately what his problem was and expressed his glands and sent us on our way!  I really thought that we'd be going in every few weeks to have his glands expressed, but then I changed his food and waa-la -- no more bad smelling doodle!! What a difference a premium dog food can make!!  In Knox's case, it's all about having firm stools, and Fromm's works for him!   
I just recently switched Alma over to Fromm's Salmon due to your suggestion.  She is doing even better on this than she was on Orijen.  The gal at the pet food store commented that the crude protein in Orijen (38%) might be too rich for her.  She mentioned that sometimes poodles and doodles have a hard time with high protein diets.  The Fromm's is 25% protein.  I checked out the ingredients on and it is a 5 star food.  As I was standing there in the store holding the bag of Fromm's, a customer came by and said that's what he feeds his 3 dogs.  He is a big fan of it.  I can only hope that this will help Alma's itchy bottom.  Thanks for the suggestion.

I'm glad that the Fromm's is working for you, but the salesclerk in the store gave you incorrrect information. For one thing, "richness" in food has nothing to do with protein content,  what makes one food "richer" than another is the fat content, not the protein. Fromm's Salmon a la Veg contains 16% fat, Orijen's Adult formula contains 17% fat. So Orijen is not "richer" than the Fromm, and in any case, anal gland problems would have more to do with fiber content than protein or fat.

But once again, I just have to point out that clerks in retail stores are not experts on nutrition. For her to say that sometimes poodles and doodles have problems with high-protein diets is plain silly. What would be different about the way poodles or retrievers digestive systems handle protein than the way any other kind of breeds digestive system handles it? Of course, sometimes, any kind of dog has problems with any kind of food. But there are thousands of poodles, doodles, and every other kind of dog who are doing great on high-protein diets.

I actually had the exact opposite experience as you did...I switched from Fromm Salmon a la Veg to Orijen 6 Fish, and my doodle's poop got much firmer. It's what works for the individual dog, not the breed.

Can I ask a question?  what do you guys mean about the anal glands issue?  Is it loose stools? or what are the symptoms your Harvey (adorable name BTW) and others are having?



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