Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Which is less traumatic an airplane cargo ride or a 20 hour ride home?

Our doodle is almost ready to come home, and we can't wait. We live about 800 miles from the breeder. We were hoping she would be small enough to fit under the seat in front of us but it doesn't look like that is likely to be the case. Here's the question - which do you think would be less traumatic for the pup: being shipped in airplane cargo (which seems really scary/dangerous) or a 20 hour drive home?

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Jack flew cargo to me, he had a very long day but he got off the plane wagging his tail and we had no problems. I want to say he flew AA and they have a special place to bring the pets for layovers. I would not now fly him cargo ever... but he did it as a little puppy.


We are getting another little puppy in August, it may be to hot for him to fly cargo. I am going to look into the pet flights and see what we can do.


I got both my doodles by plane from Washington State and California. They both were fine. They flew Continental, which does a really good job with animals, at least on my end. Luca was quite eager to get out though. Calla had the longer flight still she came out smelling like a rose. She did decorate the terminal but I had lots of cleaning supplies on hand. Both dogs adjusted right away and they are no more neurotic than me : )
One thing to keep in mind is that some puppies get carsick, and if this is the case with your puppy she will be miserable to be stuck in the car for so long.  Cocoa was always carsick from the time we picked her up until she was over a year old, and I think she would have become dehydrated from being in the car for so long.  She kept throwing up and drooling for our entire 90 mile drive home.  You might ask the breeder to take her for a test-drive before you commit to such a long drive with her in the car.  By the way, she is absolutely adorable!

The dog I had growing up also got really car sick... Poor guy, it was not fun. I'm also wondering what the impact would be not getting her home and into her routine for two days. Having said that I've heard about dogs dying on long flights due to lack of oxygen.

Leslie, your doodle is really cute too. What kind of doodle is she?

Huff does get carsick sometimes if he is in the car for a long time. Probably about 4 or 5 hours. I usually try to stop every two hours if it is going to be that long of a trip and let him walk around, drink some water, and get some air. You could just take breaks if she starts becoming carsick and start counting how many hours it is between the points when she gets carsick.

I agree with you also about your concern regarding a lack of routine- it may have been pure luck, but Cocoa was potty trained as soon as we got home because we were able to take her out to go potty every half hour.  I would guess that you would have to stop frequently on the long drive home.

Cocoa is an Australian Labradoodle, about 1 1/2 years old.

Our newfoundland pup was driven from Montana to Denver, CO, then flown overnight to Orlando with a layover in Atlanta. Other than being ready to get out of his crate, he was absolutely fine. Simon our ALD flew from Atlanta to Richmond...just about a 2 hours flight...with no problems at all except a potty accident. We did bring plenty of stuff for cleanup, though.

Both pups seemed to have been treated well with no lasting effects whatsoever.  Both flew Delta and it was NOT when the weather was hot.

If you can't fly with her, I think picking her up in the car would be better.   Hint: bring classical CDs with you.  I had a 3 hour drive back with my pup.  The breeder offered me earplugs (seriously??) but when he started to howl (and I mean a few short whimpers and then he threw his head back and HOWLED) Meditations by Bach relaxed the little guy and put him right to sleep for the whole trip.  He woke up happy and wanting to play.  He still loves that CD :)

I would opt for the car ride however I do NOT like flying. So many of the doods on DK flew to their forever homes and did just fine. Anyway a flight from WA state to CA does not seem like it would be too long, what like 1 hour max.

Curious to know what the size limit is for under the seat in a plane. Seems like a new puppy, even at 9 weeks would still be small enough, Daisy weighed 9 lbs when we got her and it seems like she would have been small enough. I see your puppy is quite big in this picture but still looks to be small enough.

We drove Daisy the 3 hour trip home, she was not happy in the front seat, she did not "sleep" in my lap rather tried to climb up my body to escape what was happening to her.  I moved to the back seat with her (which is what the book said to do by the way) and she was better but it took at least 30 minutes to settle. We also played soothing classical music.

Good Luck with this and with the new pup when you get her home.

I'm getting my Puppy from the UK and I live in Ireland. I had an option to fly him through London but it would be cargo so I'm opting to drive and stay overnight and bring the puppy on the Ferry.  I won't be able to bring him onto the passenger part of the boat he will have to stay in his crate in a room near the cars for that part of the journey but it's for a short time and it's the best option.  I definitely wouldn't put a puppy in cargo hold of a plane if there was a choice.

Rooney's breeder does fly puppies to their forever homes but ONLY if there is a direct flight.  No layovers or plane changes - this is usually where things can go very wrong.  Put on wrong plane, left out on the tarmac in cold, heat, rain, roughed around getting put on and off, lost.  Is there a way that your puppy could fly from the breeders on a direct flight to the nearest larger airport and you drive that far.  Otherwise I wouldn't do it.  We were lucky, we had a 6-7 hr round trip drive.  Rooney road in his car seat and did great!

I would not opt for the cargo part of the plane either,  I would do the car    Good LUck  can't wait to see the pictures !!!



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