Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Which is less traumatic an airplane cargo ride or a 20 hour ride home?

Our doodle is almost ready to come home, and we can't wait. We live about 800 miles from the breeder. We were hoping she would be small enough to fit under the seat in front of us but it doesn't look like that is likely to be the case. Here's the question - which do you think would be less traumatic for the pup: being shipped in airplane cargo (which seems really scary/dangerous) or a 20 hour drive home?

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I would gladly fly there and pick up the pup. The problem is she is already 12 pounds and only 7 weeks. She isn't coming home for another couple of weeks and from what I read she can't weigh more than 15 pounds and be let in on the inside of the airplane. Is there something I am missing?

Can you pick her up when she's 8 weeks old instead of waiting until she is 9?  Then she should still be 15 lbs or less.  I think flying her home under your seat is the best solution by far.  It sounds like she is going to be a big girl!

Yes, I would try another airline then.  My DH just came from Sacramento, CA to Portland, Or and flew in the cabin with our pup.  The limit is 20# but they MUST be in an APPROVED airline bag.  We went to Wal-mart and bought a bag big enough I think it was a large size it was $22 and put terry cloth on the bottom (just incase any potty accidents it wouldnt leak everywhere) and my DH was able to take her out once they were in the air.  I would call different airlines.  My DH flew Alaska airlines, I think, may have been Horizon, I just cant remember.....they didnt charge for her to be on the flight either, that was an added bonus!  My DH found what time worked for the breeder to  meet him at the airport, he flew in, met her with the pup and he flew out 3 hours later.  he just had a back pack with stuff for her we purchased & stuff for him.  It worked GREAT!!!!!
We looked into flying Alma to Texas from California last summer because our family had the opportunity to stay in Austin for a month.  I called all the major airlines and Petairways to see what they offered.  (In the end we boarded her at a great place in the country due to the logistics and also because we decided to do lots of site seeing without a dog.)  Because it was not a direct flight, most of the airlines were very concerned about the temperature.  If at anytime, the temp was above 80 (or maybe it was 90 I don't remember...) at any destination they would not allow the dog to board.  -Meaning if we got to the Sacramento airport and it was 80+ in the layover city or Austin they would not let her on.  Or if it she got to the layover city and it was 80+ in Austin, they would not let her go on.  Continental seemed to have the best service with an air conditioned van to pick up the dog on the tarmac immediately after landing - but she would have a very long day since their most direct route would take her from Sac to Atlanta before landing in Austin.  I suggest you call the airlines and see what they say. 
I agree with Lisa.  Breeders fly pups all the time.  Just this morning I took two pups to the airport. It was noon and they were the 11th and 12th pup to fly with the airline TODAY!  99.9 % of the time pups do fantastic.  It's the .1% that you hear about.  If you drive, you need to be very careful where you stop.  Don't let your pup near any other dogs or dog poop.  Also watch out for mud puddles. 

I really think you may be able to fly with her still. Can you get her at next week?

We flew Myla from Iowa to Wisconsin, not so bad. I wasn't happy about it. When we got to the airport we went to the wrong areea and when we finally got to the right place,This guy was sitting by her making goo goo sounds and said she wanted out of the crate.

She was adorable but dirty. Everyone kept saying she could get carsick. It's a tough call but Myla did fine.

I am not sure if this was mentioned, but have you considered flying yourself to get him and bring him home and you can carry him witih you on board.  Most airlines let you do that, I think it's like a $100 dollars for the dog, but then he will be with you and none of you will be in the car for 20 hours.  Probably would be cheaper too with how high gas is, plus tolls, food and I am sure you'd have to get a hotel room at some point..after the 20 hour drive there?

We were very satisfied with Continental Airways and they fly therapy dogs of all sizes.  They fly into San Francisco, and you will have to check about Spokane.  We tried to fly into Spokane to get our pup five years ago and we could get into Spokane, but college let out Memorial Day weekend and there were no flights out.  So, we had him shipped to California with a sibling who was also coming to California.  Actually, I think your pup will fit under the seat.  Check out that possibility.  The flight up would be much more comfortable for you than the drive and probably cheaper these days with the cost of gas.  Check with your breeder as I am sure she has lots of experience with both shipping and sending on a flight with their new pawrents.
I checked and Continental does have flights from Spokane directly to San Francisco.  It is 2 hrs. 14 minutes flight time.  Check with your breeder about these flights.  You could fly in yourself and come back the same day or ship the puppy.  I think it is a little cheaper to ship, but definitely cheaper than driving.

Someone on Yappy Hour suggested a Doodle harm in trying that, you may find it works.


Our breeder was very careful about things like this.

She did her homework...and used Continental...which seems to be a good choice when having to fly pups to their new homes.  The other airline that deals only with pets sounds great too!

We made the decision to fly Sasha from Ohio to New Jersey...on a direct only flight...and things went very well.

She had no difficulties at all...and was eagerly waiting for us!

The flight got in early...and when we got to the very clean and well attended room that held all of the pets that flew to their owners...we could hear our Sasha barking...I'm Hear Mom and Dad...I'm Hear!!  Lol...

Every person working there was huddled around her crate...Ooooing and Aaaahing over our Girl!!

She was in very good hands!

When we get Sasha a brother or thoughts would be to drive  there and pick the Doodle up.

My thoughts are...if you can drive to the breeder and pick up the pup...that would be the way I would do

I've learned so  much these past two years...yes...Sasha will be two on April 4th!!  Oh they grow up So fast!!

I now feel that I would rather not have our new puppy travel in the cargo area of the plane if they don't have to!

I have a Lot of experiance traveling in a car with Sasha...(we drive twice a month from South Carolina to New Jersey...a 12-13 hour drive each way...and she travels like a Pro!).

I would make picking up the new pup  a fun and exciting adventure...and take a few days to make the that it wasn't too much for the new baby.

Of course...the final decison is yours to make...and I don't think there is a "right or wrong" choice...just the choice that you decide is best for you and your Doodle.

We're so happy for you..and I'm sure you'll make a great choice.

Remember to post lots of pics when you get your precious baby!

Wishing you the Best of Luck...

Although I have had two very positive experiences having our pups flown in from Mich. to Az. I do hold my breath the whole time. Our breeder is very meticulous about how she chooses the airline and the time of day and has the pups well prepared for the trip. They were non-stop, 4 hours but came with water, blankets, toys, extra food for any delays and were clean and dry when I recieved them. For us it came down to time, money and what would be most convenient for all as our trip was 32 hours one way. Meaning several days on the road, hotels, exposure to all kinds of areas to go potty in. It seemed less traumatic to just get it over with in 4 hours and deal with whatever drama may or may not have affected them. Both of ours were shaking when they first got out of the crate, but calmed right down and slept on the 20 min ride home. Also, as a side note, you never know which pup is going to be car sick, That would be a miserable 20 hours for one that is as our Bella got sick twice on that short 20 min drive home. Just a thought.



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