Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The inevitable has finally happened.  Murph is very prone to dingleberries.  Many times when DH brings Murph back in after a "poop" there's a slightly stuck, hanging dingleberry adorning his butt.  I'm usually quick about detecting them and getting them taken care of before he can wander through the house.  Yesterday I noticed it and went upstairs to get the Baby Wipes.  When I got back downstairs, it was GONE!  That's when the frantic search began.  It had to be in the house....somewhere.  But where?  I've searched and's nowhere to be found.  Perhaps Guinness decided to take care of it FOR MURPH?  OMD, let's hope not, cause that's too gross to think about.  Did Murph clean it off way, it's Murph.  It's here, somewhere in the house, and it's freaking me out.  I'm still searching and obsessed. 

So the frantic search continues.  How many others have dealt with the runaway did you find it and where?  HELP!


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These are perfect!

I am laughing so hard, I am irritating my DH.  He has no sence of humor at this hour.  OH MY DOODLES...this is so hilliarious, I TOTALLY lost it though at the Tupperware drawer comment, that was good!  I am so glad we all feel comfortable making fun of other peoples "misfortunes" and I am so glad there are people out there who can laugh at their own. 

I am not sure I will be able to eat Soup from a can for a while however....or cereal from a box. 

Thank you so much for the great laugh, I have to go wash my face now, my eye make up is running away from me...

Oh Dear, I'm laughing out aloud in the office and I can't tell anyone why!!!!  This is so funny.  I consider myself one of the worlds experts and removing Dingleberry's before anyone else spots them.  The hard ones are so munch easier than the fresh soft variety.  I'm lucky that my Maltese is white and therefore a quick pull up o his tale and I can get at them fast.


Your stray one is definitely there somewhere.  If you don't find it in 24 hours I suggest you call the Dingelberry Emergency Response Team who may be able to help. (XXX)


PS If I get a Chocolate Doodle I may resort to sniff testing too but I'm erring on the side of Caramel right now as Sight Tests may suffice. 

Exactly when did y'all "lose it"? - and I'm not talking about Murphy's dingleberry.  We've had some pretty "out there" discussions, but I'm thinking some of you should make appointments with your local "shrink".  Ha Ha :)
Deanna, we lost it a long time ago. There are always men is white coats lurking outside our houses, I think there is even a huge bus waiting to take us to the funny farm. There's always room for one more. We can't afford shrinks, we spend our money on doodles. :>)
I'm good with going to the funny farm as long as we get to bring the Doodles!
Did you check the bottom of your shoes???   So so funny LOL!!

Not a dingleberry, but greenish ooze from sexual maturing puppy!!! Give me a dingleberry anyday!!!


Very funny!! I'm pretty sure one of them ate it, really I just babysat my little nephews who just found their nose-I saw it with my own eyes!! I also have a cat who drops them all over his room!! I'll be thinking of you a lot at least for a few days. Hope the Easter Bunny doesn't accidentally find it!!
I was laughting so hard after reading only the first two pages of this, I had to use my asthma inhaler!  Now that I'm again breathing, I'll go for the next two.  Great stuff, ladies.
Donna, you are right all our money is being spent on our doodles!  It's the short bus, not a 'large" bus!
Thanks everyone for your helpful and totally hilarious replies!  The bad news is that the dingleberry has not been found.  It has simply vanished.  Rest assured though that this house is now spotless.  Nothing like a dingleberry crisis to get you moving.  I strongly suspect that the dingleberry is in Guinness's tummy.  He's been "nosing" around his brother's butt pretty regularly as if he is expecting a delectable treat.  Guinness's sweet kisses will never be quite the same....the dingleberry has "ruined it" for us.  My memory is pretty short these days, so maybe by the end of the week I won't be quite as "skeeved out" with his kisses.  So, we're calling an end to the search, and the clear lesson is keep those Baby Wipes by the door.



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