Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I came across this quote the other day and it set me to thinking.

"Ever wonder where you'd end up, if you took your dog for a walk and never once pulled on the leash"?

With all the discussions we have about training and collars and our dogs pulling us, where would we end up if we let our dogs take the lead? I am going to try this tomorrow and see where Quincy takes me. I have a feeling I know where we'll end up, but he may surprise me. Do we have any other takers? I think it would be an interesting experiment. Hopefully we have some who are up for the challenge and I look forward to reading your results. Update tomorrow after our walk!


 We went for our walk today, nice and sunny but a little cool. Quincy is used to being off leash but he usually sticks close by and takes his cue from us. He was a little confused when I took his leash off and didn't go anywhere, first he stood and looked at me and then he sat and looked at me till I told him ok go. He took me through bushes and trees, to the field where we play ball, did the zoomies and finished off with a dip in the pond. I put him back on his leash and he trotted happily back home. The foot bath was his least favorite part of our outing. He had a great time and it was also a treat for me to just wander after Quincy. Here are some pics of our little adventure.

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Hmmm, this sounds like fun.  I may give it a try if the weather is nice.
Funny, just today I was reviewing the State Game Lands maps near my house.  I want to take Monty for a long, long walk in the woods, which I know he will love.  We live in the mountains, but don't have much property for long walks.  He can make a 15 minute walk last a long time if i allow him to sniff everything.  I'll have to check back on this when we find the spot to walk.
The nearest Tim Hortons for a doggie timbit! ( I think there are Tim Horton coffee shops in the states now.)
Lorraine, You may have to take your passport with you, who knows which Tim's they'll want to visit.
I know exactly where I'd end up.  Both of my guys know the way to the dog park in our complex.  They don't get to go there very often....only if we walk by and see there are no other dogs there.  There are some "clueless" dog owners who live here, and so there are several dogs I just don't trust.  But if we're out for a walk they get very "happy" as we near the dog park...they're thinking, "maybe today".
What if Vern and Fudge want to go in opposite directions?? I will try this next week.
So how does our dog 'lead' without pulling us on leash?
I guess you'll just have to keep up, make sure to wear running shoes. :>)
Sorry this out of shape preggo can't run right now...LOL.  But what I mean is Rosco doesn't pull me around....  He takes my lead (and I'm not pulling him to lead either).  We just walk on residential sidewalks...with a stroller.  No can do the 'let the dog decide' part -- at least not with Boca, it would mean a choking dog unlearning what she's not done learning.  But I will just live vicariously through all your stories about exploring more interesting places =)
Send DH out, it'll give you and Natalie some girl time.
Oh HAHA!  He's even more of a stickler about NOT getting pulled around than I am =)   It's probably something I do at the end of training where on a long leash I let my dog sniff around and go where he/she wants (within reasonable limits) if we are in a large open area, but I think I would be bored stiff if I had to do that on streets...stopping at every light post, fire hydrant, etc.  I think it would not be a walk, but a stop, wait, go for 10 steps, stop, wait, go for 10 steps....
Ummm... forget the walk... what did you say, ADINA?!  (Sorry this out of shape preggo can't run right now).....did I miss something in my little absence for stalking this site five times a day?????



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