Rosco had his first session as a reading assistance therapy dog (official title?) at our library yesterday and it went very well =)
Right before our visit I stopped by Wal Mart and bought a brand new large dog bed for this occasion--a bed that will ONLY be used for library visits.
Because this is only the second time they have done this (started early this year, but took the summer off) and the program isn't super well known, we had a room that was open to the rest of the children's section of the library. The librarian also gave us a screen to use if needed--we were the only dog team there.
Kids were allowed to come and go as they wished, we'll probably have more structure later, but for now it was pretty flexible.
The kids really enjoyed it! Three cute stories:
1) A little girl too young to read stopped by. I can't tell age really so I asked her if she'd like to get a book to read to Rosco. She flew off and came back with two. Read TWO books to him by making up words to go with the photos...
2) While we had two boys hanging out and one reading...another little girl and her mom stopped by. The little girl sat down and I asked her about her book. She seemed shy but said that she practices with that book (as if practicing is not the same as reading). Both her mom, another woman and I tried different tactics to convince her reading to Rosco would be fun. But she was hesitant. Then just as she was about to leave the mother of the two boys caught on and got her boys to leave with her so the little girl could have privacy. I offered her my seat (which had my back to the screen) and she accepted now that there was no audience. She read quietly but well and I was SOOO proud of her!
3) First little girl who made up the story in her book, came back toward the end while we were meeting other staff. She asked "Can I just say a story with my mouth?" LOL She proceeded to tell a fabulous story! It was soo cute and at the end she just ran "The End" no was hilarious!
Okay picture time: