Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
My 10 week old puppy has had loose stools since we brought him home at 8 weeks. Parasites were ruled out at the vet. It isn't diarhhea, just loose. He's been eating Orijen puppy. Rewind 2 years and our 2yo doodle was eating orijen too but I soon switched him to Acana and he's had the perfect stools since then (you know how we all pride ourselves on the perfect poop - LOL)! I switched my 2yo when he was 6 months because the clerk at the store told me he was getting too much protein from orijen so he's been on Acana and doing well for 18+ months now.
The breeder sent our puppy home with orijen so I've left our new puppy on it but wondering if thats causing loose stools so I went to a holistic pet shop yesterday that sells Fromm. The protein percentage is substantial (40% orijen / 27% Fromm) so I gave him Fromm last evening and this morning he had the FIRST perfect poop. Coincidence, I don't know?!
The clerk at the store yesterday really was encouraging me to switch my older dog because she doesn't think a dog needs to be on a grain free diet (she compared Acana/Orijen to us eating protein shakes and bars all day)...and dogs shouldn't eat just protein either....unless they are doing alot of agility and hiking.
I read through alot of posts on this group and so many feed orijen to their puppies and I wondered if they had problems with loose stools?
She also explained that those grains that cause allergies are not the grains found in Fromm.
Just when I think I'm on top of things, I meet a new clerk that throws me for a loop!
Any opinions on orijen vs Fromm for a puppy?! AND what about switching my Acana dog to Fromm also? I'd like for the two to be eating the same thing eventually...would make things easier!
When did you last have a fecal done?
This is definitely not an allergy. Not only would you see something other than soft poops, but he's very very young to have developed an allergy already.
Assuming the 100% Acana makes a difference, you should see an improvement within a day or two.
Are you sure the soft poop isn't caused by any treats or anything else he's eating?
Hi Julie,
I am new to this food stuff but we have our puppy on Orijen and after a slow transition to the Orijen the loose stools started, we gave him a few weeks and nothing changed, they were just wet and loose. We have been switching him to Blue Buffalo ( not the grain free version ), we are up to 40% Orijen and 60% Blue Buffalo and boom his stools are firm again. So, I think we are just gonna stick with Blue Buffalo. I got very overwhelmed with the food choices and suggestions. I wish it would have worked out on Orijen but we are gonna go with the Blue Buffalo for now.
Oh and we had his stool sampled too for parasites and worms, and he was good.
Good luck getting it straight!
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