Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am so excited to welcome our new goldendoodle puppy into our home in a few short weeks.  I have researched and researched and researched, trying to prep myself, and my family to become the best puppy owners ever.


I made the mistake of joining a doggy forum(not here), and posted a question there- and got SLAMMED for wanting a goldendoodle.  Then I read tons of negative things online about them being a designer breed. 


Makes me sad.  I didn't buy my puppy because he is a "designer" breed.  We got him because we truly feel that he would make a great addition to our family.  I love the typical goldendoodle's temperament, posssible low shed, happy go lucky demeanor, and their cute look.


Do you just ignore people that say these things?  Have you ever been approached in real life while out with your dog and confronted?  





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I have seen lots of people ask that here on Doodlekisses, but I have never experienced it.  Maybe because we are in Canada?  I haven't had any negative feedback at all.  I am not on any other forums or research it but it doesn't seem to be an issue in my world... 

I don't think anyone hates individual doodles as much as the blanket assumption that only those out to make a quick buck breed doodles.  And really, because doodles are very popular (same would go for any purposely bred mixed breed dog) A LOT of people who shouldn't be breeding dogs at all jump on the bandwagon and breed doodles.  They might have an intact retriever and then look for someone else with a pet poodle and BAM: $400-500 bucks per pup with very little work on their part and they have cute dogs and make some money.  These kinds of people don't perform health testing on their breeding stock, probably got their pure breed from another backyard breeder, don't really interview buyers (will sell to anyone), would never take back a dog, but are really nice people.  So people see a newspaper ad for "hypoallergenic, nonshedding labradoodle" and go out and buy one.  Not at all realizing that usually those are backyard breeders they are buying from, not realizing that many doodles still shed, that they are like any other dog, etc. 

Of course this isn't all doodle breeders and it's not all doodle buyers.  But that's the perception the 'haters' have.  So it's not about the individual's about fear of people breeding irresponsibly and assumption that all doodle breeders indeed are irresponsible breeders.  So they try to warn people that they aren't getting a breed...that it's a marketing ploy etc.  And the truth is doodles are not a 'breed' in the strict sense.  But that doesn't mean they aren't a good idea, a decent dog, and fulfill the needs of many people who want JUST that.


People tend to be much harsher over the internet.  Chances are you won't have 'many' people be rude to your face once you've got your puppy.  Welcome to the doodle club!

I know exactly what website you mean. I wouldn't worry about it. Everyone I met who has actually spent time with doodles loves them and everyone (including my anti-dog mom) has fallen in love with my little goober.


I would never want a husky, but I don't hate on people who do want them! Same with bichons or chihuahuas. Part of the reason so many breeds still exist is because people want such different things. Doodles are so popular because they are what a lot of people are looking for.


Congrats and I hope you have lots of joy with your new little one!

Very rarely do I hear a bad comment about my Gracie Doodle but when I do I just glare at them and walk away.  It usually is some old fuddy dud who doesn't like dogs or is a mutt person and thinks all these fluffy dogs are stupid and why would anyone want to breed them.  I really don't even care to get into it with them because they are the type of person who is close minded and nothing I say will change their way of thinking.  It usually is a man too!  All the time we get stopped by people who want to touch Gracie, pat her and ask tons of questions.  Almost always they walk away saying they want one or something next dog is going to be a Doodle!  Seriously, we constantly get stopped and asked about Gracie and al the comments are 100% positive!  You have come to the right place...DK rocks!

Heres one...Driving through Dallas Tx, a woman was so friendly towards Shelby, our Goldendoodle.  After saying how absoulutely beautiful she was, the next comment was....


I saw on pet finder there are rescue groups for Goldendoodles...WTF  what did that mean??  Is she a hater or is it a misconception about the Goldendoodles?

I have heard things like that as well, I chop it up to ignorance (and jealousy hehe). Doodles are new to most, and people with open mouths have closed minds. :)
Congrats on your family's new puppy and welcome to DK!
Welcome to won't find any negative Doodle sentiments here!  I pretty much just ignore those "designer breed" comments.  If it's someone who really wants to learn about Doodles, I'll share what I know, but if it's just someone trying to "slam" the "breed", I just smile and ignore.

All dog breeds are special. Everyone has different needs and wants. Those people who attack others are worse than animals. Even animals don't discriminate other animals. I'd not waste any my time talking to those hopeless people. They just suck and will never get it.

Yep, ticked me off! I tried to remain calm and explain that I WAS well aware of the downfalls of the breed and had researched them for two years before I made my decision. I said I don't care whether you call him a mutt or not I am quite happy with my decision mutt or not!
Well, I've only had one experience with someone saying something about having a Goldendoodle.  We were at the park (Metropark) and a lady and her 2 grandsons came up to the playground area where we were.  It was so funny!  She stopped and pointed at Kashi and said "I know what she is!  I know what she is!"  Then she couldn't remember what she was trying to come up with, so I told her he was a Goldendoodle.  She then began to tell me about her friends in Alaska (we are in Ohio) who have a Labradoodle that does therapy work.  How she had heard so many great things about them.   She thought he was absolutely beautiful (which he is , of course).  She absolutely loved him, as did her grandkids.  It was just funny though how she came up to us pointing at him like he was a celebrity.  If someone said something negative to me, I would tell them exactly what I thought, and where they could go.   I am not good at keeping my mouth shut!  8*)

you cant be that far from us- we are in ohio near tons of metroparks!


Thanks everyone for your positive comments!  So excited to have found all of you doodle lovers :)


All I can tell you is this:  I got a minigoldendoodle, at my children's suggestions, after my husband died.  I chose this breed because my daughter-in-law was allergic to most other breeds. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made.  My dog, Angus, is such a great little buddy.  I'm never lonely, I exercise more than I would normally, he's funny, smart, affectionate, and forgiving.  What more could you want?  Don't even give those naysayers a second thought.  Just enjoy your dog. By the way, I've now had him for almost 4 years.



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