We have had a horrific week after losing our 13 year old Springer and Best Friend, Freckles. We lost Cricket when she was 16 and now last week our old girl, Freckles. We currently have a 7 year old Springer, April, that blew her knee out last year running and thought we would not get a new addition to our family but she so misses her best friend and life companion. I am considering a mini Labradoodle or Goldendoodle. I cannot find one locally we live on Lake Conroe, Texas. I also cannot decided between the two. I love the personality traits of both LAB and GR and combined with the Poodle. I would like to know your input on personality traits of each doodle and also the unique differences besides coat. Thanks for your help...Also, I have always had females...would you recommend a male since I already have an older female who is somewhat skittish and shy of newcomers but who gets along well with other dogs. Thanks....from Texas
We recently had a discussion on the forum about the male/female differences so you might check that out.
I can't say what the differences are between the GDs and LDs since we just have the GD who, naturally, we think is most wonderful! I really think they are fairly similar in personality though. I don't think you can go wrong with either. There is a breeder of GDs in Corsicana (I think)- Timshell Farm. We got our GD from Smeraglia Kennel (Teddybear Goldendoodles) in AL - we were very happy with that decision.
Good luck to you! I'll be watching to see what you decide!
I think it would be a great addition. I have a medium and large Labradoodle. They are unlike any dog I have ever had. If you browse around the site and also read through some of the discussions you will learn a lot . Also check out the breeders....they can probably give you more information on temperament, size etc.... The are truly a GREAT breed.... very intelligent and loving. I have two doodles and they are GREAT together!! There was also a recent discussion posted comparing (well sort of) Goldendoodles to Labradoodles...... Good luck in your search and your decision!!
I also forgot to add that I am so sorry for your loss... I KNOW all to well how it feels...I lost a dog about 3 1/2 years ago and it still brings tears to my eyes!! I thought I would NEVER get another dog - and now I have TWO!! I can't imagine life w/out them!! Good luck with your decision!!
I am biased as I breed Australian Labradoodles and thus have limited knowledge of Goldendoodles. From what I have experienced, the temperaments are the same; and, I believe it is temperament that makes doodles stand out. They are happy, goofy and looking for someone to love. Some say females tend to bond with one person and males bond with everyone in the family. I have seen that on occasion but not enough to make a strong statement about it. As to which sex would relate better to your older, shy female, when puppies are desexed before going to their homes, none of the stereotypes occur. I think you would be safe bringing in a male or female. One thing I would do is ask a veterinarian's opinion about the health of Goldens and Labs in your area. I was saddened to read about your painful week--such loss is difficult. I hope that in time you will add a doodle to your life and heal your heart.
Thank you Patty...I have just been surfing people who have doodble for sale. My one big problem is the tears just keep flowing....the memories, although great, just keep bringing visons of her face and kisses which start the tears all over again. I know when we get her ashes and take care of our last goodbye this week...we will be work harder at moving forward focusing on great memories and not just our loss.
Oh Lake Girl, I wish I were there to offer you a hug. I can empathize. I lost a Golden Retriever four years ago and I still well up when I think of him and his loving nature. Ben lives in my heart today along with other Golden Retrievers, Dachshunds, a boxer and a Westie. All those sweet souls expand my heart so that I have more love to give others. To have loved Cricket and Freckles for as long and as hard as you did, it would be unnatural for you to have less grief. God love April for consoling you. Dogs do intuit our pain and offer unconditional comfort in response. May you be blessed as you mourn.
Thanks so much for your reply Louise and Toby...while I am writing this my springer is literally on my lap. Very unusual since she has never been one to want to lay on our lap before. This is why we know she really misses her buddy of seven years. I am excited about getting a doodle and at first leaned towards a labradoodle but am inclined to look at the goldendoodle now before we make a choice. Have a great day!
Hi! If you go to the tab at the top of any page labeled "Forum" then flip through the past few pages you'll find a recent discussion on "Labradoodle vs. Goldendoodle." You can also search for the word "breeder" or "choosing" and find old discussions on picking breeders.
In my opinion, the MAIN diff between LD's and GD's is looks. They have a slightly different look, but NOT all of them. Some could be mistaken for the other.
Also consider a rescue/rehome doodle via www.IDOG.biz -- they are the nation's only doodle rescue organization and excellent.
Some good breeders listed on www.goldendoodles.com and the Premium Breeder List -- good luck and don't be afraid of getting a puppy out of state and having puppy shipped. A great breeder is MORE important than a local breeder. If you come up with a list of breeders, feel free to ask here for references/experience in case someone here has worked with that breeder.
Also look in our group called "Labradoodles for Sale" and "Goldendoodles for sale" to see who has a litter--99% of the breeders on this site are excellent. And I only say 99% because I don't want to guarantee ALL of them as I am not familiar with all of them.
Very sorry to hear about your awful week. Generally speaking a GR is a calmer dog then a Lab - from what I've seen. The LD in my area that I've seen are mostly very tall dogs - weighing in at 70 - 85 lbs. Also the F1 LD's that I know seem to shed more than the F1 GD. But after seeing some of the australian LD on this site they sure are adorable. I think you want to make sure it's a australian LD. Those little fuzzy mops don't look anything like the F1 LD's that I know. So, anyway, I went with a GD. After learning more on this site about the australian labradoodle I might consider one of those too. The price of them really seems to up there though. Yes, I know you get what you pay for. I love my GD more than I ever thought I could love a dog and am getting another one next spring. She doesn't shed. Good luck with your search. Your going to just love your doodle I'm sure.
I am so sorry for your loss, I pray for quick recovery of your broken hearts.
As Adina said there is a recent thread labelled labradoodle vs. goldendoodle and people have posted their opinions aobut the differences between the two there.
My personal opinion is that a LD will be a little more hyper and "bouncy" than a GD. Labs tend to be a little more high energy than a golden, so you will get that trait in the doodle. I think the best thing to do is discuss with your family which you like better...a GR or a Lab...then you'll know which doodle you want.
I also agree with other posters in that it is better to ship your puppy to you from a reputable breeder than to find a local one who may not stand up to the standards of a good breeder.
My opinion on male vs. female is that males tend to bond with a 'family' and females tend to bond with just one person...possibly two. Not that females won't love the whole family...just that they have a special bond with only one person. This is not a rule, but a generality that I have read about in many places and noticed myself with dogs who I've known.