Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Recently, I posted a discussion about Fudge and Vern going to the Royal Wedding. There was a minor problem at the church and they were asked to leave:

Personally, we don't think this was the real reason they were asked to leave. We think the bigger problem was they were embarrassing another pair at the wedding who were caught copying Fudge and Vern's headpieces.  

Fudge and Vern are very fashion forward and for years have worked with a stylist:

Unfortunately, this stylist has not been doing such a great job and Fudge and Vern have been caught, at more than one important event, wearing the same outfit as some movie star.


Here is Fudge at the Grammys! She was told this dress was designed for her body!

Here is Vern at one of the James Bond premieres:

And here he is at the Pirates of the Caribbean premiere:

Fudge was so upset when Lady Gaga showed up at one event wearing her outfit. She vowed to only travel by egg after that, but Lady Gaga stole that idea too:

Imagine Vern's surprise when he attended one of the Beach romps only to see Michael Phelps at the Olympics in HIS outfit:

When her stylist told her she had the most original outfit EVER for Fudge and she would really make a statement, can you guess how shocked she was to see Bjork wearing the same dress:

But, this was the last straw and someone is soon going to be looking for another job:

So, who do you think wore these outfits best? Fudge and Vern really want to know.



P.S.  My family is going to have me committed after this discussion :)

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Murph wants to know if Vern had anything on under that kilt?  We've always wondered about that.  And my boys think there's something "fishy" about these pictures because Fudge and Vern are holding hands.  They don't think they would EVER be caught in public holding hands.  Just sayin.....

Note to Laurie's DDs.....please don't have her committed unless she can have unlimited internet access in her "special room".  We love her discussions.....they brighten all our days!

Vern was going commando, as usual, under than kilt. Fudge and Vern love each other very much, even if I have to remind them of that on occasion.

Jane, My DD has no room to talk, when it comes to her dogs :)

Okay you have Really Gone Over the Deep End...And...I Love It!!!!  LOL...

I do hope that the windows in my house are sound  proof...because the neighbors will think that someone is in Deep trouble here...I'm laughing/shrieking  So loud at this early hour...and no on is home but Sasha and me!!!! for our votes...

Sasha is totally obsessed for Vern as her Secret Agent Man...OO7...

He totally Rocks as James...I mean Vern Bond!!  So Hot!!  Lol...


Fudge is amazingly sexy in that Very Low Cut number that Jo Lo wore...but of course...Fudge made Jo Lo fade into the doubt!!

Wow...Fudge must be on a new work out regiment...or...had some work done??

Psssst...are those implants??  We won't tell!!  Shhhhhh...

Just didn't know that were doing Doodle Implanst now...but...stranger things have happened...hmmmmm...


Sasha and I were quite impressed...but...those were our top picks for Who Wore It Best...

Fudge is Beautiful...and...of course...Sasha has a little crush on Vern...


PS..about the outfits on the bottom.where the guy was in the black low cut one piece bathing suit and the girl was in the blue sun dress.

  In answer to the question...Who Was Wearing This??   All I know is...they should have had those little black strips across their that No One In The World...Including...or Especially their own Mother's could identify them!!  Lol...



Susan, I laughed all throughout your reply. Yes, even I know this was a little over the top. I don't think you are crazy, if you know that about yourself :) The bottom picture was Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy. Fudge is completely natural and Vern is flattered.

Doodles of course wear it best! Thank you for the morning laugh!! You are so funny and creative!!! (or bored?)

Keep them are the best!!

LOL, Jennifer. I am never bored..haha!

Laurie - you clearly have WAY too much time on your hands!!  However, we're so glad that you do as you keep us laughing!!


Best look by far: Vern in his kilt.  That's one hot looking dude!

Thanks, Deanna. I was bored watching Grey's Anatomy, so I found something to do...LOL!
Ok Vern and are soooo ready to be on  "Project Runway" as the new up and coming designers!!  Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn...look out...2 new stars are born!!!  Love your blogs're the best!
Thanks, Joyce!
Laurie, I know you have probably told us before, but what program do you use to do this with the photos?  And I am definitely using this to state my case to my son that I am a long way from being "That Crazy Doodle Lady" as he calls me.  We need another award for YOU!!!!  
Sue, My daughter does all my "editing" for me and uses Photoshop. Before the end of the year, I am going to learn that program, so look out....LOL. Uh oh....Crazy Doodle Lady is actually nicer than what my family calls me :)



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