Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, the other day we went to the mall just like we have been doing for Huff's whole life and apparently he is not allowed. Apparently some little dog bit a customer and they were suing. Now, if I sound like I am overreacting wait until you hear this... Little dogs are allowed but big dogs are not? How does that make sense? It was the little dog's fault in the first place. Why should big dogs have to be banished? I guess that if a big dog were to bite it would be more damage but usually they aren't biters... Am I just being prejudiced? What do you think? You can tell me what you really think. Should big dogs be allowed?

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Well let me start by saying I LOVE dogs, I have a great big goofy doodle and a jack russell mix but when it comes to allowing any dog regardless of size or temperment in a store, I can say from experience that they should NOT be permitted in any type of store other than a pet store.

When I was 4 years old my mother and I were going to get some milk at the convienence store and the owner of the store had her siberian husky in the store with her (on a leash). I walked by the dog when he suddenly jumped on me attacking my face. I did nothing to trigger the dog. The vet believed that he attacked because he felt unsure of his surroundings and was trying to protect his owner.

I almost lost my eye because of this and I have undergone 10 plastic and reconstructive surgeries to repair the damage done by this dog attack.

So I feel that no dogs should be allowed in stores because we do not know why they sometimes attack or bite people but it is better to be safe and not let there be a chance for what happened to me to happen to someone else.

We don't know why these things happen, a dog can seem like the nicest most friendly dog in the world but you just never know, after all...they are animals.

I do see your point. It would be nice if only well behaved dogs were taken into stores but of course that isn't the case. I also wonder about clothing stores like Old Navy or Nordstrom. Suppose the dog gets dander or hair on clothes and someone who is allergic touches or tries that item on? Hmmmm. I love taking Darwin into stores but perhaps I should be more discerning about where I take him.
I think that that is true but with some dogs you just know for sure that they are to be trusted. It also depends on the breed. I think Siberian Huskies are more wild. They are more animalistic. If you know what I mean. They are also very protective. I wouldn't trust one upon sight. It would take me a little while. Just like I wouldn't trust a chow chow upon sight. A golden retriever, a doodle, or a lab I would probably be more trusting of. Especially a doodle.:) Some dogs were just bred to be guard dogs while others were bred to be loving family dogs. That might be a little prejudiced. Does anybody agree with what I think though?
There again it needs to be an across the board rule.  Some people are very good handlers and trainers and ANY breed in their hands would be safe, they would also not take an aggressive dog to a store where that dog would be in tight quarters with other people and have difficulty retreating from them.  The Siberian huskies I've known have not been 'wild' or 'animalistic' -- they've been very calm.  Now calmness doesn't mean non-aggressiveness...but I have a friend whose Husky does not bark or wiggle with excitedness, doesn't jump or anything on visitors.  He sniffs them intently but is quiet and doesn't get exuberant in the least.  If anything it kind of spooks me because I'm used to my wiggly doodles.

I am so sorry you had to go through that.  I really don't think dogs should be allowed in certain types of stores.  At least with pet stores people should be full aware of the risks.  It's just so hard to distinguish between good dog/bad dog(or should I say good owner\bad owner)

That's okay. I think that usually people wouldn't bring their dogs in the stores if they knew there was a chance of them biting someone. Maybe I am wrong...
We have an outlet center that is Pet Friendly.  If the store allows pets they have a paw print on their door.  If they don't have a paw print I normally just ask if it is ok.  The only store where I've encountered an issue is at the Ralph Lauren store.  They didn't have a paw print so I asked this young man at the front door if it was ok if Lucy and Sophie came in.  He said "I'm not sure, let me ask the manager.  He walks away and comes back and says "he said only if they are able to carry them" ....... so of course I just reached down and picked up all 55 lbs of Sophie!  He failed to see the humor!
Awww:) That would have been funny:) We have an outlet mall like that here too. Is Sophie calm when you carry her or does she freak out?
I really only picked her up for a few seconds to just sort of display what I thought was their stupidity and then we left and I've never been back in their store.  Trust me, I couldn't have carried her for long!
Muscle Momma!  I could NOT pick up Boca who's just under 50!



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