Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I'm starting a new chapter in my life.
I'm planning on quitting my job to stay home with my two adorable sons and my new doodle.
I'm quitting for health reason and very very excited about adopting a doodle.
My kids are the one who desperately want a pup - and I have to admit I still have alot of maternal love oozing out of me (which my two boys don't seem to enjoy anymore) and am fully ready to adopt my new "baby"
I know - the rules are that - you can't recomment any breeders on this main forum - but can anyone? someone friend me, or tell me to email them - to help me with this process. I need your doggie wisdom and experiences. Are there kind doodle YODAs out there? I will be your padawan.
I've looked at - all the breeders list - any list I can find. and I've emailed countless breeders annoying them with countless questions. But I would really appreciate some - actual recommendations from actual owners.
I'm looking for a medium english goldendoodles and medium goldendoodles.
thanks for replying
I have looked up all the breeders on the list (within my desired states) but there are so many cost difference and some do all the testing - some do just one.
So - is it safe to say - that whoever is on the list - even if they only do the hip test. I am safe to buy a pup from them?
This is a very big purchase for me and cost is a factor. But i'm trying to be smart - and not just base it on cost b/c I don't want a sick dog that will result in a lot of medical cost later on.
So I noticed that the breeders that don't do all the tests - (as expected - I guess) cost less than the ones that do all the tests. But since they are on the breeder recommended list - then its OK? Right?
OK - i got your message and wrote out the message - and sent it - but I don't think it worked. I might have some email issues with my computer (I'm not sure)
I'll just post it here - edited
So I have looked at many breeders - from the list on - the owner recommended breeders.
I have looked and emailed with a lot of breeders on that list.
the prices are varied.
Now I found a breeder on that list - that is offering me a F1 standard for ALOT less - but this breeder only checks for hip.
Now since this breeder is on the list - which everyone keeps referring me to and seems that everyone holds in such high esteem. Am I "safe" to buy from this breeder?
Or is it too good to be true?
So you are talking about the "owner recommended breeders" list from NOT the group here on DK...right? If so, then they are just that a list of breeders recommended by owners and it says right there on the list what they test for. I BELIEVE it's important to pick a breeder that does ALL the testing or most of it because I think it reflects on their overall quality. ALL the testing doesn't prove "goodness" on its own, but without it I don't completely trust in a breeder's overall program. So *I* personally would skip over a breeder that only tested hips. But that's my personal bias/belief/value. I recommend people use that list and others to give them a broad base from which to choose. But I would NEVER assume ANY one breeder is a good one MERELY by the fact they are on that list or any list (including the list of breeders in our DK group).
Have you been able to exchange private messages with anyone else on DK? I'm asking to be sure we're not having some kind of inbox malfunction. It certainly has NOTHING to do with your email client unless you happened to respond from your real life email (instead of from your DK inbox).
To add to my answer above. If a breeder is only doing partial testing it's not "too good" to be true. It's not good enough.
Regarding the trouble with emailing. If you're using Explorer version 9 (the new beta version) that might be the issue. Switch to Firefox and see if that fixes things.
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