Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yesterday I took Sheba to the vet because she was limping on her right front leg.  (She has done this before but vet didn't find anything torn or broken).  She plays pretty hard and she's the kind of dog that doesn't stop, always has to be busy.  

Recently I noticed some slight changes in her walking and trying to stand up from a sitting or lying down position. It didn't happen all the time, just when she had played hard.  I thought maybe it had more to do with her activity level and how hard she would play and that it was probably was due to sore muscles.

I did some reading on hip dysplasia on the internet and became more concerned.  I also checked into Lyme's Disease as I have found a couple of ticks on Sheba, but that was last year.  The vet said that when Sheba got her yearly heartworm test they test for Lymes and she was negative so her mobility issues were probably not due to Lymes.  

Vet put Sheba on Previcox (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) for 7 days to see if that helps her.  If her limping on her front leg gets worse I need to take her back in.  The plan is to get her hips and back x-rayed soon along with her front leg if the problem persists.

It would just break my heart if my sweet, beautiful, athletic, happy-go-lucky girl has hip dysplasia.


I know there are other members here that have dogs with this condition.  Anything you could share would be helpful.  I'll keep you all informed. 




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Oh Ann, I so hope they find that Sheba just over did it a little.  We went through a few scares with Sophie on this during her first year, however, she seems to have outgrown it.  She was apparently just pulling a muscle in her leg by running and playing too hard.  Check out Penny and Beemers page.  Beemer has double hip dysplasia surgery when he was right around a year old.  He is as good as new now.  I'm sure their checkbook has yet to recover, but at least Beemer has recovered.
I was going to mention Beemer, too.  He's doing great last I heard!  I hope Sheba doesn't have hip displaysia, but if she does, we'll be here for you.
Sending lots of love from Tennessee!!!  And don't panic yet, she may have pulled something - a coworker does agility with her spaniels and they both have A+ hips (she had them xrayed at age 4) - the girl gets sore from time to time and she takes her to a chiropractor (not kidding).  She is fine and it is not the dreaded HD.
Callie and I are sending loads of good thoughts to Sheba!!! Hopefully it is just an over-use injury and she will be back to her usual form soon! Please give her a kiss on that amazing doodle nose from me!

I hope that maybe she just pulled a muscle or something like that. I will be thinking of you. Let us know.


Ann, I am going to think positively and hope your sweet Sheba does not have hip dysplasia. I love the Internet, but sometimes reading about something can just scare the you know what out of you. All fingers and paws crossed for you here!
I am so sorry to hear Sheba is having problems.....  Will look for your updates and please know you are in my prayers Ann, Mike and Sheba.

Oh, Ann! Just what you didn't need, more worries. I really hope this is not HD, just some overdoing or maybe a strain. JD and I send hugs and kisses, we are keeping fingers and paws crossed that the limping goes away and Sheba will be just fine soon!

Sheba, we really hope you don't have hip dysplasia, I find myself being a little paranoid about this and am always watching Quincy when he is running and playing. Doodle hugs.

Ann, my aussie is 14 1/2 yrs old, he has the dreaded HD, and he has had it for some time.  He has been on condrotin/with something else for about 5 years, and he is holding his own.  Sometimes I see him having some difficulty with sitting and getting up from a prone position, but I see this later in the day, in the am, he is jumping on all 4 paws to go out and to eat, so if it turns out to be HD, there are many htings that they can do today.  And of course the severity and age play a big part I think...But lets hope it is just a strained whatever from playing and running too hard.  Hugs to you and Sheba...I have never seen a dog with her coloring, it is amazing!!!....Keep us informed, please...
Oh sweet Sheba!  Hoping it's something minor whatever it is!
Oh no, I hope this is just a false alarm. Aside from being so sweet , Sheba is one of the most athletic doodles on DK. I love her searching in the field for her Frisbee in that film clip. And she is so young. I do hope this is just a transient thing.



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