Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

At last my journey of getting a Doodle is ending.  Tomorrow afternoon my beautiful Bocelli is FINALLY coming home!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so excited I can hardly stand it.....I've been like a cat on a hot tin roof the last couple of days and just so anxious with anticipation.  You would think I've never had a dog before but this time it's different.  Bocelli represents more to me than just a dog.  He's a new beginning for me, a new companion, a starting over, a little man who will love me unconditionally and who will always be by my side.  I want to cry just thinking about it!!!  Since my husband left me in October 2008 after 39 years of marriage I have been on a very long personal journey, one that has had many, many tears, ups and downs,  but also one that has taught me a lot about myself too.  I am SO READY to start this next chapter and what better way than with this beautiful, furry creature who will always have his little chocolate tail wagging when his mommy comes home. Priceless :-))

Please pray for me and send good vibrations this way.  Since Bo is 11 weeks old and has already really bonded to the breeders (husband and wife), his adjustment to me and my home may take a little longer.  I hope not but I'm bracing myself for it just the same. He's really a very sweet natured boy but I've seen how he acts with the husband, following him around and the husband giving Bo lots of love and affection.

Again, I want to thank each and every one of you who have really helped to prepare me with all of the pearls of wisdom you have shared on this forum.  I truly don't know if I could have done this without all that you've shared.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

I'll try to post tomorrow and send some pictures of my little man.

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Have a happy homecoming Bocelli, can't wait to see some pics and of course some puppy stories.
I am sure little Bo is going to bond with you right away.  Ned was 3 1/2 months old and he bonded to our family immediately.  I kind of think when they are a bit older, they are mature enough to settle in faster because they aren't missing their doodle mom as much.
Oh, new beginnings are so special.  Best of luck with little Bocelli and I'm sure it will be love at first sight for both of you.  Please post pictures tomorrow.  Have a wonderful day.
Congratulations!!  He will be the one who would love you no matter what!!!  :-)
Congrats!  I can't wait to see pics.
Congratulations!! All good things come to those who wait... And Oh' my after waiting so long it WILL be the best.
God bless.
Yeah it is no longer tomorrow, but today.  Get ready for the adventure of your life.  I cant wait to hear you say "I had no idea I could love something so much".
Congratulations!!!  Can't wait to see pictures!!!  Have fun with these special moments!!!
This is so exciting!!! Can't wait to see pictures!!! If it makes you feel any better, we got Lola when she was about 10weeks, and she fit right in. She was a little lost and confused the first couple of nights, but that was about it. Good luck, and keep us updated!
Sending lots and lots of prayers to you and Bo... Lauscha & Kathy
Can't wait to see pictures and hear tales of Bocelli!
I got Calla at 4 months and had no problems with her getting adjusted to us. I'm sure all will go well, good luck.



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