Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Bernie is going to be a year old in 2 days and my husband is mildly concerned with the fact that he still "pees like a girl". Anyone out there with older, male Doodles that still pee like girls? It honestly doesn't bother me - less room for error, he's never had a marking issue, and he can/will go anywhere!

I guess I'm just asking so I can tell my husband whether there's still hope or if he should just get used to it =)



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Barley makes the same "stretchy" stance.

Remington is over 2 years and still pees like a girl.  I have heard that if they aren't around a male adult dog with little that they don't learn how to pee like a boy.  I agree... who cares!
Bernie was 12 weeks when we got him and he was already neutered, then wasn't around male dogs...I think we've figured it out! These stories have been great!
Spencer is a year and 5 months and still does the girly pee.  He kind of positions one back leg more forward than the other and then squats a bit.  Sometimes he leans a bit to one side.  My husband tried lifting the more forward leg up to help teach him, but that failed.  I think its fine.  It certainly saves bushes and other objects that we don't want peed on around the yard.

Does Spencer ever pee on Roxy?  Hondo used to pee on Groucho, but usually because Groucho was  "sticking his nose" in Hondo's business. However, Groucho never did learn to lift his leg like a real boy.

Let me know if you come down to the beach.  Love to meet up with you.

No Spencer and Roxy stay away from each other when they are doing their business usually.  I'm hoping there will be a get together soon at the beach in Carmel, but the weather has been not so good for that!  Did you see on the news how Yosimite's falls are just overflowing with wonder this season because of the rain fall.  I wish I could see them.  Let's stay in touch so we can meet up in Carmel for a romp with our Doods and hopefully other wonderful Doods in our area.
We haven't been to the beach as much as usual for this time of year, but did go last Sunday and it was nice.  My nephew and wife just came from Yosemite and they said it was wonderful.  They couldn't get a place to stay in Yosemite, so they drove to the bus and then took the bus into the valley.  Made it a whole day trip just getting to see the falls.
Sam was neutered really young, so he still doesn't lift his leg--ever.  He's 14 months old now, and I'll be surprised if he ever does this behavior.  It's fine by me.  I don't need him to lift his leg to be a good boy!  :-)
I hope Henry never does the leg lifting and continues peeing like a girl.  HA HA
If puppies are neutered too early, they may not lift their leg up to pee since it is not instinctive. Males develop this way of peeing so they can rub their scent on poles etc. Another reason for not doing this instinctive way of peeing is probably because there is an older female dog that is dominant. This causes the younger male dog to follow in the female's footsteps and squat to pee. If you want your dog to pee in the normal male way, perhaps having an older male dog constantly close by who pees in that way may influence the younger to change his habits. The info above comes from a local pet store newsletter.
The breeder we got Morgan and Melody from says that if they are neutered early they don't USUALLY lift their leg.  She was spot on about Morgan.  My  neighbor's male dogs were not  neutered early.  They lift their legs.  (All the time...there is a lot of territoy marking that goes on when we all go for walks and those boys are with us!  They seem to mark their territory at every other blade of grass!)
Your neighbor does not have to let them mark everywhere! I've had males for years now and they are not allowed to stop to pee for marking when we are out walking. That's just silly; it's up to the person on the leash not the dog. haha.



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