Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

 Well the day has finally come and my female F2 Groodle *Kosci* has been welcomed into our family.

I am so excited, as I have waited 11 months from when I placed my deposit.

With a huge thanks to DK members,because I've spent my days reading all your discussions and comments. 


She is now 11 weeks old. (the photo is at 6 weeks)


The transition has been very smooth,with only my maltese *Kee* wishing this new member may disappear with the idea that if she don't look at Kosci she may not be real, but with no aggression involved.My Dalmatian just takes it in her stride.

The house is scattered with puppy toys,leaves and sticks as we play inside and out.

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He is gorgeous, congratulations.  I am also welcoming a new puppy in less than two weeks now and have a Maltese who is the number one man around here so we'll see!!?  Forgive my ignorance but what is a Groodle?
Hi Nicky. 2 weeks seems Unbearable.
I believe in Ireland and US .. You call them Golden doodles
In Australia we call them Groodles. I don't know why.. It just seems a cultural 'thing'.
I have been wondering what "Groodle" was!  Thanks for asking Nicky.
Congratulations Elizabeth, how much fun, a summer full of puppy! Kosci is adorable!
Have fun with your new little one, they grow so quickly (just like children).  My Maggie is jet black like Kosci and people react when I tell them she is a "goldendoodle", they expect that she should be the color of a golden retriever I guess.  She looked very much like Kosci when she came home to us as a puppy.  Best wishes to all.
If I ever get another doodle (or Groodle) it will definitely be a black one. So cute and the dirt won't show...LOL!
Just dye Vern's hair black!!!
Oh, hello little guy! Aren't you cute! Congratulations on finding a great home. :o)
Congratulations on your new family member!  She is very cute and the little white spot on her back foot gives her character.  Can't wait to see her grow.
The white spot on her foot is already diluted. But she has 2 white toe nails..
Congratulations Elizabeth.  He is just beautiful.  I know you will enjoy him tremendously.  These Doodles are AWESOME dogs! I've had my chocolate Australian Labradoodle for 2 weeks now and the time has just flown by. He's growing so fast right before my eyes.  Enjoy this puppy phase :-)).
Oh Connie I'm getting there, less than two weeks to go after about a six month wait.  If Riley is anything like your Bo I will be very happy indeed. Kosci looks like a real cutie too and lovely that he's a black GD!



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