Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I tried out a new groomer because the one we have used in the past closed down.  I love the new place and Brinkley loves to go to doggy day-care there... but we had a mix up in communication (I guess) and he was cut a lot shorter than I expected.  I knew that he needed to be shorter for the summer but I miss my floppy moppy doodle.  They cut his beard and his left eyelashes (not the right), and they really trimmed down his legs.  I love when his feet look like bear paws.


I talked to the owner and she was great about all of it... even offered us a free day of daycare.  I know they are new so I'm going to give them another chance.  







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Still adorable!!!!!
Thanks... I know he feels better.   I guess that's all that matters (well, that's what I'm telling myself anyway!)
Agreed!!! He looks so cute!!! It's an give it a few days before you give your final verdict!!! He might feel a lot more comfortable, and that might be worth it all on its own!!!
I think he looks wonderful!!
Thanks, I'm just used to the more rounded body and head.  He's so slender!
He is so cute...I am glad he doesn't jump up in my arms!
ha ha!  My husband likes to hold him like he's a baby.
Brinkley looks adorable in his summer cut.   I love the floppy, moppy doodle look too but you'll be amazed at how quickly he'll have his shag back.    Banjo's going tomorrow to a new groomer and I'm a bit nervous.  I loved the job our original groomer did..(we took Banjo twice) but DH and I never got that warm fuzzy feeling from her and her husband (her assistant) would literally grab the leash from your hand and escort Banjo to a cage to "wait" his turn.   That was the LAST time we went there!

I was so nervous also. I don't think the groomer did a bad job... it just wasn't what I was expecting.  

And I think you guys are doing the right thing.  We had the same thing with another doggie daycare.  I got a bad feeling.  I convinced myself that I was paranoid but after a couple hours of a nagging feeling I called by DH and told him to pick up Brinkley asap.  He did but it was too late and he got very very sick.  It's been months since Brinkley has gone to another day care.  This place just opened up and I'm SOOO happy with the staff and the cleanliness.  

Hope it goes well tomorrow.

I think he looks you got a free day of daycare.
He looks fantastic!! I love the cut! Coco just got a cut like that, which I love for summer!! His shaggy dog look will grow back fast. Coco is usually shaggy dog in 2-3 weeks!!

Aww, he looks adorable in both photos.  I know it is a shock at first to not see all the hair, but he's not in danger of a sunburn (shaved to the quick) and he is still quite doodley looking imo :-)


Enjoy the clean chin, it'll grow back so quick--you might even get him one more cut before the summer's over!



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