Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, I decided Molly could go no longer...she HAD to have a summer cut.
I waiting around until the last minute, so this is all probably my fault, before calling Petsmart on Saturday morning. They were booked but they said they would put me on a the waiting list, in case someone cancelled their appt. Cool.
Around 4pm'ish, they called and said I could in fact bring Molly in! Yay!

Now, just a little background- over two weeks ago I stopped into the same Petsmart to make an appointment but the lady I spoke to was HORRIBLe. SHe had the WORST personality ever- and a BAD attitude to boot (I can't STAND an attitude problem!). So, I made Molly an appointment, but after thinking some more about it, I cancelled it.
So when I called this past Saturday and a guy answered, I was least it wasn't the hateful lady.

When I walked in to drop Molly off...guess who the person was that had had someone cancel and was available to groom Molly? Yep. Not the guy, but the lady from a few weeks before...super.
However, I went against my gut feeling and just let her take Molly on back...this was AFTER I got fussed at for telling them that Molly was a "poodle mix"...she informed me, once she saw Molly, that she was in fact NOT a "poodle mix" but a "STANDARD poodle mix"...well duh, I KNOW that but you didn't ask me the SIZE of my dog (which by the way I DID try to offer that bit of advice the last time I made the appointment-and then cancelled- but she said "we don't care what size they are, we go by breed"). She acted like it was a huge problem that Molly was bigger than she expected. Seriously? I wasn't trying to hide anything from them!
Anyhow....I left Molly and the groomer with specific instructions- I wanted her to be the same length all over (just sort of a trim) but I wanted them to leave her face alone. If you shave Mollys face, she looks like a baboon, so I expressed my desire to leave her face alone, only trim the hair out of her eyes. The groomer did tell me she didn't have time to do a scissor cut so it would be a tad shorter than what I wanted...

The pictures attached are before and after:
(the groomer did in fact shave her nose...but it wasn't horrible, I think her face actually looks okay)

but good gosh, look how skinny my baby doodle looks, LOL. All in all, it's not horrible.....but it's def. taking some getting used to!
I had to call DH and prepare him for what Molly would look like when we returned home :-)
I will say, she does appear to be more comfortable!!

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eeeeek....the more and more I look at these pictures...the more I miss my floppy doodle :-( LOL...this really is taking some time to get used to!!!
It does take a while to get used to a new haircut but I think Molly looks great.  My biggest thing was that my Charlotte seemed to go from a sweet puppy to a sassy teenager when she got her haircut.  I'm always impressed with how sleek and what nice lines my dogs have when their hair is cut.  Molly is a cutie with any haircut so don't worry!
Thank you Jennifer....

the longer I look at Mollys new cut in the picture I posted...the more she looks like a BOBBLE HEAD doodle doll!!!! ahhhhhhh, LOL!!!

Lol!  My mom has alpacas and there were a couple babies who were shorn everywhere but their heads.  We called them the "Bobble heads".  If Molly is a bobble head doodle then she is one of the cutest I've seen :-)

Lindsey, I'm not just saying this to make you feel better....I really think she looks awesome.  The only thing I would have been a little upset about was that they shaved the nose area, but other than that I love her new look.  That "nose shaving thing" used to happen with my guys they know better.  That will grow out quickly.  Pretty Molly....
I think Molly looks so pretty. I love the shorter look. I'm thinking of getting Sohpie done too.
Thanks everyone :-)
She looks great either way!  But I honestly don't understand why some groomers ignore the request that your dog's nose not be shaved.  Happened to me twice--I just couldn't believe that after I carefully explained and then emphasized that I did NOT want a shaved nose, I would still get back a dog with a shaved nose.  Sorry you had a bad experience.  I don't get why it was so important that you say Molly is a standard poodle mix.  Anyhow, she looks happy! 
Oh, she looks beautiful!  And I adore the precious white heart on her chest! 
LIndsey, I actually think she looks super cute. It will be a great cut for the summer. Vern is getting cut really short, for the first time, as I write I might feel differently in a couple of hours...LOL! It is just hair and will grow back in no time. I am amazed at how thin they look with shorter hair. Wish that happened when I got my hair cut!
Lindsey, I don't know if you care, but if you want the pictures to pop up in your post, you can click on the box next to Link and download them that way. I change the width size to anywhere between 350-500. She really does look cute!
Oh thanks Laurie! I was trying to figure out how to do that....I'll try and see if I can make it happen.
My computer, here at work, is crazy...half the time I can't get any options here on DK to work for reply to one persons just sends me back to the top and I have to reply to all. (not DK's fault, it's my work computers fault).



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