Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My puppy just turned 7 weeks old yesterday.  Everyone thinks he's a golden retriever, and we're a little afraid he will look like one when he is older instead of a goldendoodle.  His mom is 3/4 poodle and 1/4 golden retriever, and his dad is full blooded golden retriever.  Is there a possibility that he will always look like a golden retriever? I know that it's a little too soon to tell because he just has puppy fur.  When do you think he will start (or if at all) to get wavy or curly fur? 


Thanks for all of your replies. I am brand new to the site, and I am really happy that I found it!




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Ya I posted them on my page, you can see more there if you want:) It is kind of hard to imagine him changing so much. He changed a lot. Thanks:)
He really really had big ears! haha:)
I cannot believe this pup is Huff! He has such wavy hair now!
Thank you so much for the pictures! It's hard to believe that that straight haired puppy grew into that adorable shaggy dog! = )  Your post helped me out a lot!
I am amazed at how much Huff changed! I think he is such a gorgeous doodle.

OMD, he is just adorable. There is a thread here somewhere about coat changes in the first year, it might be in the puppy madness group. There are lots of pictures there of different stages for doodle coats. One doodle in particular, I think it might have been Huff?, not sure, but one looked pretty retrievery for quite a while. They don't all go "typically" doodle though, it's like a surprise bag when you get one of these babies. But their personalities are usually doodley, from what I gather.


Enjoy your pup, and take a look through the puppy madness group. Or maybe someone else here can find it, I can't seem to right now.



Hmm...seems I was writing this as Huff's people were replying! My memory isn't as bad as I thought. :-)


Thanks so much for your response! I'll try and find the thread!
See the little waves at the ends of his ears--I think that is very significant! Those little waves may indicate lots more waves later on! They do change A LOT--and he is so cute--let's hope he doesn't change too much!
Thanks for the response! We're hoping that the ears will mean that he will get some wave later on!
He looks just like my Hunter when she was a puppy, check my photos. What a cutie he is!
Hunter is such a cutie!



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