Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


Hi everyone,


With every dog I've ever had, they've been big water drinkers, but they've always left water in their (big) bowl all day and gone back and forth to it throughout the day. Molly, however, would drink up Lake Michigan and not stop. As soon as we fill up her water, she drinks it all. I hate to think she's thirsty, so we then give her more. But then she has to pee so badly again and again.  If the water's there, she will drink and drink and drink, but if the water's not there, she doesn't seem to look for it.


I hate the thought of limiting her water, but have any of you had to do this? I know some do at night (we stop after 7 pm), but do any of you have to control how much they have during the day as well?



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No Never.  Water should always be available.  Have you had her Blood Sugar checked ( if she is older)?  If she is just a puppy, they just drink lots of water! 
Thanks. She's almost six months old, so I guess this is normal!
No, my doodles only drink when they're thirsty and I don't think it seems too much. Mention this to your vet.

My dog was drinking a lot of water and my vet daughter said that I should be a bit concerned about various ailments that could be occurring. (She is almost 3 years old and had a litter of pups 6 months ago.) I doubt that there is anything wrong with Molly, but drinking that much does seem unusual. What my daughter recommended was that I actually measure how much water the dog is drinking in a day--maybe total each day over a few days to average it--then ask the vet about it. Some blood tests may be required to make sure her blood sugar is OK. 

My dog stopped drinking both big water bowls dry after a few days (we have 3 dogs, so we have a lot of water out and she was drinking most of it) and has not been doing that since then so no tests were done. 

We have always filled a large bowl in the morning and at dinner time and it is never empty. We have two standard doodles.
Rosco tends to do this in the late afternoon and evening and YES he does have to pee a lot and we do have to limit his water.  There's a point where if I hear him drinking for too long I'll call him away.  There's just no other way around it.  He has always tested clear for UTI's and diabetes.  So it is just his 'thing' -- it's like he's hypnotized once he starts drinking.
Yes! Myla drinks a lot of water, it looks like they don't drink until we get home though, kind of weird hey?? She often gulps it so much that she chokes on it. I think the puppy should be fine/normal but it wouldn't hurt to keep track how much per day. We had to do this with my mom's cat for blood tests to be done also. She's fine.
Vern drinks so much water and sometimes I think my full time job is filling Vern's water bowl. I don't, however, ever limit his water. I think he just sees the fresh water and thinks it is his duty to drink it all up.
We have three bowls of water in the house and keep them fresh and full.  Her Neater Feeder has a 1 cup bowl in it, so when she eats and wants water it is there.  We have a large bowl in the upstairs powder room and one downstairs in the little wetbar.  We gate off the lower level to keep Rua away from Puff Dog's catbox, we had to keep water down there for Puffy.  When Rua is downstairs with us, she drinks from that one too.   Hopefully Molly is just going through a stage.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone. As it often seems to happen when something is posted on DK, the problem seems to have fixed itself. Today, she left water in the bowl for the first time ever!  Maybe she knew she was being talked about?!  Thanks again. I always enjoy hearing everyone else's experiences.





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