Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Taylor and I want to allow Huff in the pool, so he dosen't run his paw pads raw again (running a round and around the pool). My mom doesn't want to let him in because she thinks he has too many germs even though we wash him very well once a week. My dad wants to let him in the pool but is afraid his hair will clog the filter. Getting a kiddiepool is out of the question because my mom thinks we won't keep it clean.
I want to see Huff swim and would like to swim with him. The only time I have seen him swim was for a few seconds when he fell in, he swam out. My dad also thinks that he will be so afraid of the water that he will express his anals in the pool (VERY unlikley if he gets in on his own). HE wants to get in with us so bad but my parents tie him up. If we try to get him in without telling them they get mad at us.
How can we convince them to let Huff in the pool?
Roo and Tigger swim in our pool everyday. No germ problems. They don't pee in the pool or wear a diaper because they are not potty trained. Lots of kids do both. I doubt that there is much more germs on their hair and skin than on mine. They don't shed, but we had a golden retriever named Sunny who literally lived in the pool every summer for more than 10 years. She shed like crazy and it was never a problem. Sunny was with us while my son and his numerous friends swam everyday. No one ever got sick that I know of from our pool.
I once had my poolman tell me I could not let the kids use the pool so much, because he didn't want to have to add chemicals twice a week. But he never complained about the dog, who he knew swam with the kids and alone. (he lived across the street and I payed him extra for more chemicals in the summer, but not less money for less chemicals in the winter - never did figure that one out.)
Mom - let the dogs in the pool - it's okay, I promise.
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